Feb 21, 2007 22:46
Can I tell you I LOVE Free cycle - someone came and delivered to me 6 pieces of slat wall and not only that it was Flipping Free*** It is FLIPPING FREAKING PURPLE!!! LOOOOOOOOvvvveeeeeee Freecyclers!!!
Having people trickle in but a steady trickle - we shall see at the end of the week what the weeks receipts are.
Other News - Hubby's mother has gone off the deep end again and for the 2nd time took off in her car Friday (didn't tell anyone) packed the dog and some stuff and is headed North - whether it's here or even North from here (NH, VT) he is taken a missing person report out tomorrow - she dropped by a family friends house in Virginia and left a note on the door, then left?!!! Last time she did this, she ended up in Vermont, assaulted a cop, got thrown in jail and then committed for about the 14th time. Since then she's been committed about 7 more times, last one being last July. Now this
and then - ugh it's vacation week - hangs head, bangs on the table!!!!