Name- JeniOctavia
LJ- JeniOctavia
Email address-
AIM/MSN/YIM (optional)- JeniOctavia
Character, series- Ritsu Namine, UTAUloid
Character journal-
25tontrap Character type- Minor. Fan creation by the VIPPERS of 2Chan, artist Caffien included. A joke UTAU that is actually a full on crossdressing male trap.
Digimon partner- Plotmon > Tailmon > Betsumon > Ophanimon
D-Comm colours/symbol- Piano keys, black and maroon
Imported from another RP?- No
Character appearance-
Character age- 18 physically
Character history-
It always seemed to start with a rumor. Jokes gone a little too far out of hand. The ideas presented by the 2Chan message board had a way of becoming eventual reality, even if they were meant to be nothing more than a little prank on the Vocaloid loving fan base.
By that point, the fans had come to expect these sorts of things from the charity idols, but it was exciting none the less. They had their own quirky charm that was adored by the public, and a chance for any country, not just Japan to make them.
With UTAUs being produced on the cheap in comparison to their Vocaloid cousins, it was easy enough for a Korean company to take the VIPPERS' little joke and run with it. Their creation and newest addition to the UTAU line would be the cross dressing, trap of a male UTAU, Ritsu Namine.
The plan was that he would be gifted with an feminine sounding male voice, like that of a younger boy, and be dressed in tactfully concealing gothic lolita style with long red hair and an androgynous face and body. While not immediately recognized as a cross dresser, especially with a noticeable bust line by means of padding, the hope was that once the idea caught on Ritsu's popularity would rise. Much like the J-Rockers of Japan, they were banking on playing off of his more feminine nature and what they had hoped would be a dead ringer for a J-Rocker's personality.
What they got was much, much different than what they were expecting.
Ritsu Namine was activated on October 18th, 2009 (with incorrectly released information, such as the note that she weighed 25 tons, which would have been physically impossible), and at first everything was alright. He seemed eager to perform, even as a charity idol, but it was obvious just how much he lavished in even the slightest bit of attention. The fans ate his status as a 'trap' up, loving that he would be so bold as to wear full gothic lolita wear on stage.The company had hoped, though, that it wouldn't go completely to his head.
It was a short lived hope. Within weeks he was demanding to be the headliner of all UTAU concerts (or at least second to Teto, who was pretty much his BFF before she mysterious vanished), and wanted the same star treatment as the Vocaloids, even going so far as discrediting Miku Hatsune as a true artist.
The company tried to reel him in, to get him to behave, but Ritsu would have none of it. In his mind he was a star, a being to be loved and praised, and if they couldn't give him what he wanted, he wasn't going to stay. Ristu left the company that had created the UTAUs, convinced and determined he would find proper representation that would rocket him to super stardom and the recognition he thought he deserved.
But where Ritsu found himself was not at all where he had intended...
Character personality-
Ritsu is basically three things - spoiled, stuck up, and immature. Though like Teto he is very good at hiding these traits when need be (usually in front of the higher up studio execs or in front of fans), but it's not something he's perfected to an exact science, and often times little comments or the wrong phrase will make him fly off the handle for whatever reason. Sadly, as much as he'd like to believe he is, Ritsu is not the brightest UTAU of the bunch, and he often mistakes what a person is saying as an insult or a jibe at him.
When he doesn't get his way, Ritsu tends to throw epic tantrums - pouting, flailing, the whole nine yards. He'll rarely cry outright as his emotion is more based in his arrogance and immature attitude than any sort of true upset. He's convinced that the world loves him, and telling him otherwise will likely result in some sort of ranting insult or, at the very most, a screaming fit about how he is truly the best.
When it comes right down to it, there's very few people Ritsu likes. Teto is one of them. He can tolerate his other UTAUs, and shares an appreciation of Ruka and Taya for being similar to him, but he can't the other Vocaloids. Even Neru gets on his nerves. This also ties in with a particular dislike of Japan, being partial to Korea as that was where he was created. He loathes Miku, though like Teto he will try to keep up appearances by acting nice to her.
If Ritsu has a softer side, it's pretty well hidden, and primarily used for his truly adoring fans. He is not a kind individual, but luckily he is not violent in his hatred. In fact he's kind of a pansy, and he's actually scared of the other male Vocaloids (he knows the male UTAUs well enough to not be scared of them), including Kaito. He knows most of them are protective of Miku, once again inciting reason to act nicely towards her so as not to anger them. He's completely unaware that most of them are about as violent as a kitten.
Ritsu also refers to himself as a girl, but since he speaks in normal first person this isn't easily noticeable, and for the sake of prose the mun will be using 'him' and 'he'.
Digimon personality-
Ritsu's Plotmon, alternately 'Angel', is much different than his tamer. Where Ritsu is loud, demanding, and an attention whore, Angel would much rather be in the background, away from the fights and away from the spot light. He's meek, speaks softly if at all. He simply can't stand up to Ritsu, no matter how much he may want to sometimes.
Again, unlike Ritsu, he's actually very intelligent. He's a bit of a nerd, almost constantly having his nose in a book, and would rather spend his time reading than in a fight. However, he doesn't want to see his tamer harmed, either, and should it come down to that kind of situation he will at least try in defense of Ritsu. It doesn't mean he'll win, though.
Character abilities-
Ritsu really has nothing in the way of ability aside from being able to convince people he's a woman, singing, being more durable than a human, and being an overall pain in the ass. Even as an advanced android, he's just not all that smart.
Sample RP-
8:12... 8:13... 8:14... ding!
Ritsu Namine's internal clock woke him at exactly fifteen past eight in the morning. It was a new day, another chance to approach the big record companies of Korea and hopefully get signed as the true, proper artist he believed himself to be. He would be a star some day, bigger than that nuisance of a dimwitted pigtailed Vocaloid ever was or ever could be.
Yes, these were the thoughts that went through Ritsu's mind as he woke up in his hotel room bed, yawning and stretching sleepily.
Well, he thought it was his hotel bed. It took a few seconds of sitting up and looking around, waiting for all his systems to come properly online, to realize that he didn't recognize the decor, walls, or curtains at all. Wherever he was, was quite a bit less... rich than what he'd checked in to.
At first, there was breathless panic, and then fright, and eventually he just screamed, a very girl scream that echoed quite loudly through the room. He'd been kidnapped! That's all there was to it! He'd been kidnapped by some unscrupulous cad! Maybe it had been those blasted Vocaloid boys! Certainly they wanted revenge for his public outing of Miku's so called skills!
"I wouldn't scream so loud... you might wake up your neighbors..." a tiny voice said from the foot of the bed. Ritsu's head jerked around, staring at the little dog-like creature who was sitting there, a book in front of him. The book wasn't what he was paying attention to, though - he seemed far more concerned about the UTAU.
"... what the hell are you?!" Ritsu demanded loudly, voice definitely not dropping in volume.
"Angel," the little creature sighed, looking slightly exasperated. Ritsu stared, mouth slightly agape.
"Wh-what... you're not-..."
"My name is Angel. I'm a Plotmon. This is the Digital World. And I'm your partner..." he explained a little better.
Ritsu continued to stare, though oddly wordless this time, earning another sigh from Angel.
"I'll explain. Please don't yell at me again..."
"Alright... explain then! And make it quick!"
Angel couldn't help that third sigh. This was not a good day.
Sample journal entry-
I can't believe that annoying, pain in the ass, air headed-
Ritsu... it's on.
Your comm. It's on. It's recording.
... aeheh... [achem] Hello Digital World! Ignore anything you may have heard before now! I'm wonderfully happy to be here, especially now that I know my beloved extended family is here as well! It is a joyous day that we can all be reunited! I would love to see you all! ... eventually. Later. Sometime... that's not right now. Yes!
... that... sounded kind of fake...
Silence, you.