Life's Perspective Shattered (CSI:M/CSI:NY FRM) T4 #20 Immortal

Aug 03, 2007 09:59

Title: Life’s Perspective Shattered

Author: Anni, Barbara and Immortal Aussie

Email:, and

Rating: FRM

Fandom: CSI: Miami/CSI: New York

Summary: Horatio’s nature is revealed to Eric shattering his perspective of life

Disclaimer: These characters belong to Jerry Bruckheimer and his people who we aren’t in anyway affiliated with

Spoilers: One of Our Own, Shock and Rio

Warnings: Character Deaths. Major Angst

Challenge: 25 Crossovers on CSI: Miami

Prompt: Table 4 Prompt #20 Immortal

Beta: Ash/Jack Vale

Word Count: 1,625

He stood at the corner of the street, his eyes covered under the veil of dark sunglasses, watching the young lady as she ate at the bistro, all cares blowing in the wind.  The smile that came up on his face was not one of pleasure for him, but one of appreciation for what he saw before him. Here she was, full of laughter and life, her brown eyes twinkling in the intense sunlight that shone down on her from the Miami sky, no trace of what was about to befall her written anywhere. It was at this point, he hated what he was; to see life so full, then to take it so abruptly. Life was precious to him, but death was what he did. Underneath the compassion and the valor rested his true self, the angel of death, the grim reaper himself.

Moving from the corner, he kept his eyes on her, her beauty seemingly blinding him to the fact that in a short moment, he would be taking her life away, stealing the light from someone=s grasp. As he got closer, he could hear her laugh, sounding like the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. Her long brown hair flowed in the breeze, the thick ringlets tickling around the corners of her eyes, adding to her alluring appearance.   She looked over towards him, her smile seeming less bright as he continued to walk towards her, taking off his glasses. Usually, when one of his marks saw him, he would have to work quicker, for fear that they would try to out run him. No matter what they did, however, death always caught up.

AMarisol,@ the girl next to her said as she glanced towards him, but was obviously unable to see him. AIs there something wrong?@

AAh,, there=s nothing wrong, Abigail,@ Marisol stammered as she glanced back at her AWhat were you saying?@

Silently, he walked up to her, stopping mere inches from her, his brilliant blue eyes gazing at her mournfully. He no more wanted to take her life than the man in the moon, but it was his commission, one he had to fulfill.

AI=m not ready,@ she said almost in a whisper as she looked at him, her eyes pleading with him. APlease...@

AMarisol Delko, you have to come with me. Your time here has come to a close,@ he responded, his voice full of sadness. It was harder for him if they fought.

AI still have things I wanted to do,@ she continued while her friend stared at her in confusion.


AMarisol, you have to come with me, it=s time.@

ABut the cancer is in remission,@ she attempted as he held his hand out. The wind blew more and rustled through his copper strands as he tried to remain as pleasant as he could about this. AThat gives me time.@

AMarisol, we cannot change destiny,@ he said as he moved closer, leaning in to her more. AIt=s time to go.@

Marisol turned from him, and got up quickly, walking towards the front of the bistro, determined to get away from him. She couldn’t let him take her, not when she had been given a new lease on life, not when she had just found happiness. Walking rapidly, she burst out of the doors of the bistro while her friend stood up, watching her as she started to cross the street, her eyes wide with surprise. Marisol looked back behind her to see that he was no longer there and then turned to look in front of her, crossing the street.

ALOOK OUT!@ came Abigail=s voice from the bistro. It was inaudible as Marisol crossed the street, not seeing the candy red convertible that was speeding towards her. The sounds of the horn blaring and the screeching of tires alerted her too late, and she found herself being tossed into the air like a rag doll. The people milling about stopped at the sounds of the screams, most of them screaming themselves once they had gotten a look at her as she lay on the cement, her eyes wide open, staring into nothingness.

Horatio bent down and offered his hand. She looked up at him, the calmness in his blue eyes softening her. Sadness permeated through her as she stood up, taking a look at her broken body, and then her friend as she ran up, the cries of pain flowing on the breeze. Horatio sighed heavily as he guided her away from the scene and towards a light. As always, death had a way of catching up.


Horatio opened the door to the break room, quickly spotting the other man as he sat, staring out into space. The news of his sister=s untimely death had rocked Eric Delko to the core; she had attached herself to his heart in the blink of an eye and now she was gone. Even after fighting cancer and winning, she was still gone. Sighing heavily, he walked in, making sure that he wouldn’t tread on the solitary moment Eric was having and took a seat next to him. Looking at him, Horatio could see the depths of his loss as it bubbled up to the surface, waiting for just the right time to reveal itself.

Horatio hated his “second job.” He hated having to be the one to do what had to be done. The one thing that he was glad about was not having to explain to Eric that he was the one who had made the car run into Marisol and kill her, he was having a hard enough time dealing with it himself. He knew he had had to do it but he hadn’t wanted to. He had loved her more than life itself. She had wanted to live and he had wanted to give her that chance but he couldn’t because of his damn nature.

He wanted to talk to Eric, to explain everything to him but that would have made the whole situation worse than it already was for the two of them. “Why did that man have to drive when he was so drunk?” Eric asked him, pleading him to provide a suitable, sane explanation.

“I don’t know, Eric. I wish I did. We’re going to get him. He isn’t going to get away with it. I promise you that.” Horatio heard himself saying what he should believe but inside he was dying a little bit every day since Mari, his lover, had died.

“Thank you. I know you’re going to get him,” Eric said softly, believing Horatio meant every word he said to him.

Over the next few days they tracked down Marisol’s killer. All the clues pointed to the major drug dealing gang, the Mala Noche. They tried and sentenced the man that admitted to ordering her death. All was going well in Horatio’s plan to take down the Mala Noche and nobody suspected a thing.

Then it all went to hell. When Horatio heard the news that Mari’s killer was being released from jail for providing information on another drug lord he was furious and went on a killing spree. Victims who weren’t supposed to die did, old people, young people, no-one was spared by him.

Eric and he went down to Brazil to track Marisol’s killer down and exact their revenge on him. They tracked him to the top of a mountain where they finally attacked him. Eric arrived first and got into a fist fight with him. Only problem was that Eric was losing the fight. Horatio let his inner nature take over him and stabbed the murderer in the gut. His was one life Horatio didn’t mind taking.

When he pulled out the dagger, once the soul had gone, he came back to his real self and saw Eric staring at him with disgust, anger, shock and betrayal. Horatio gulped. Eric knew what he was and that only meant one thing.

He was unsurprised when Eric backhanded him across the face. “You fucking liar! How could you do that to her? You took her life too early!” Eric continued to yell but Horatio only tuned him out. He didn’t need to be reminded; he lived with the guilt of it every day.

“I hate what I have to do. I hate taking their lives so early. I hate everything about it if they don’t deserve it. I live with the guilt of it everyday. The only thing I like about it is taking lives like this one,” Horatio said, kicking the body of the man over the edge of the cliff. “I didn’t want her to die. I wanted her to grow old with me. I loved her so much. It hurt me when I had to do it. I regret it every day.” Eric glared at him, not believing him and Horatio didn’t blame him, he wouldn’t have if the roles were reversed. “Just try to believe me. I understand if you don’t but it’s the truth.” At this Horatio turned and left Eric to his thoughts, to ponder the fact that Horatio had taken his wife, Eric’s own sister’s life ‘because he had to do it and had no choice in it’.

Back at the hotel Horatio rang the only other survivor of his species, Mac Taylor, up in New York. Mac would understand what Horatio was going through having gone through it himself when he’d had to take his wife’s life during 9/11. Horatio listened to what Mac had to say before thanking him and going to find Eric to explain himself further. He wanted to fix this situation. He wanted their friendship back and most importantly, the trust Eric had in him

csi:miami, lovethoughtime, table four

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