FIC: Cardcaptor Sakura: "Do You Notice?", 007. Cinnamon, Terada/Sasaki

Mar 19, 2008 10:54

Title: Do you notice?
Author/Artist :
Character/Pairing: Yoshiyuki Terada/ Rika Sasaki
Disclaimer: I'm not one of the goddesses of angst, CLAMP
Prompt Table: 01
Prompt: 007. Cinnamon
Rating: G
Warnings: Nothing
Word Count: 419

Yoshiyuki Terada jolted when a gentle hand tapped him before he entered teachers’ office. He turned to see one of her 6th grade student handing him a small, golden pouch.

“For you,” she said.

Rika Sasaki had always been the unnoticed anytime she’s around. Despite her silent movement, she’s never out of his sight. He’s not an ignorant teacher. In fact, he’s one of the most caring teachers according to the poll taken by entire student in Tomoeda School last academic year (which made her laughing).

He checked around for anyone in the alley. Fortunately, no one present here in the very morning like this. “What’s this, Sasaki-san?” he asked in a polite manner, much to tease her.

Because she’s not only one of his student.

“Cinnamon,” she said. Her radiant smile always makes him happy no matter how gloomy his mood was.

“Cinnamon?” He was surprised by this because Cinnamon was rare and expensive, too.

She nodded.

He studied the label and read ‘made in India’. “For me?”

She smiled approving the statement. “Yes. I know your arthritis pain sometimes troubled you in the morning especially in cold morning like this. Since this is our last day before winter and I can’t meet you after school, I want to give this now when nobody notice,” she explained him.

Nobody notice.

It was a hard thing to keep the relationship oblivious to others. Her friends Kinomoto and Daidoji also knew about this although, at some point, he also felt that not only just two of them. He once had an exaggerated thought that the entire class also knew.

Chuckling by the thought of the notice-unnoticed issue, he teased her again by saying, “I notice you.”

She giggled just as expected. “Add just a half teaspoon in your tea, it’ll help. And if you feel it too bitter, add honey.”

He was amazed by her observant skill. “How come you know --”.

“I notice you.”

Ah, she got me.

Rika knew it too well what was his chuckle meant. “I got to go. I’ll see you later.” She turned away, heading to the stair in the end of the alley.

“Rika.” His sound stopped her. Even from afar, he can still see her blushing distinctly.

“Yes, Yoshi?” The fact that she also calls him with his first name made him blushing too, and he wouldn’t let her got him this time. So he told her with a sound and smile that would make her blushing entire day.

“Thank you.”

cardcaptor sakura: y. terada/r. sasaki 1

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