Title: The Night of the Storm II
Author: Willima Tell and his Overture
Theme/set: SVU: 12 Ridicule
Rating: PG-13 (bad wordsies)
Claim + Additional characters: Olivia Benson + Elliot Stabler
Warning: There is no real warning, there are some naughty words, so be careful reading okay? Don't want you to get a potty mouth!
Summery: When we last left our dashing heroine, courageous, brave Olivia Benson was hunting down an illusive prey only to be caught unawares! (DUN DUN DUNNNNN) When she awakens she must deal with the consequences of her careless actions.
Canon Olivia re-emerges to stop a killer who kidnaps women during the wettest month in New York history. I have decided to stop being an asshat and finish
25_crimes. Suck it.
Word count: 988
She woke up ten minutes later