Title: Snowstorm Cliché
Author: GusTheMoose
Theme/Set: Prisoner/Criminal Intent
Rating: PG
Claim + additional character(s): Alex Eames/Bobby Goren
Warning: NA
Summary: “Next you’ll be suggesting we strip down and share body heat.”
Snowstorm Cliche)
Title: Fever
Author: GusTheMoose
Theme/Set: Poison/Criminal Intent
Rating: G
Claim + additional character(s): Alex Eames/Bobby Goren
Warning: NA
Summary: “Well, at least it’s nothing serious.”
Title: Margaritaville
Author: GusTheMoose
Theme/Set: Best Defense/Criminal Intent
Rating: PG
Claim + additional character(s): Alex Eames/Bobby Goren, Carolyn Barek
Warning: NA
Summary: “Bobby and I have a professional working relationship.”
Title: Take a Chance on Me
Author: GusTheMoose
Theme/Set: Yesterday/Criminal Intent
Rating: G
Claim + additional character(s): Alex Eames/Bobby Goren
Warning: NA
Summary: She wasn’t just being transferred, she was being promoted.
Take a Chance on Me)
Title: Moments In Time
Author: GusTheMoose
Theme/Set: In The Dark/Criminal Intent
Rating: R
Claim + additional character(s): Alex Eames/Bobby Goren
Warning: Adult situations implied
Summary: Or so he had thought, but he was wrong again.
Moments In Time)
Title: Oh Captain, My Captain.
Author: GusTheMoose
Theme/Set: Watch/Criminal Intent
Rating: G
Claim + additional character(s): Alex Eames/Bobby Goren, James Deakins.
Warning: NA
Summary: That being said, he also knew when to pretend not to see a thing.
Oh Captain, My Captain)
Title: Another One Bites The Dust
Author: GusTheMoose
Theme/Set: Tomorrow/Criminal Intent
Rating: G
Claim + additional character(s): Alex Eames/Bobby Goren
Warning: NA
Summary: He really would rather work by himself
Another One Bites The Dust)
Title: What’s In A Name?
Author: GusTheMoose
Theme/Set: My Good Name/Criminal Intent
Rating: G
Claim + additional character(s): Alex Eames/Bobby Goren
Warning: NA
Summary: “If we named him after what he looked like his name would be Cat.”
What's In A Name?)
And now:
My Table!