Apr 02, 2010 06:20
- 10:18 Got results back from my bio test, Pfff don't ask #
- 10:20 Took my logs test tbh ikd how I did w/e forty more mins nd it's my spring break #
- 12:21 Fuck it, i'm home already, ate and in bed, recover on some sleep #
- 12:24 April fools annoys me idk #
- 12:37 finally saw the Rude Boy music vid. idk it's annoying, but what the hey there's a zebra in it :DD #
- 12:38 @ propstored the new layout huh? #
- 14:38 @ rockMuselady O-BRO ND PCHIDDY...? WOW #
- 16:44 bored #
- 18:55 @ OlivesEqualOliG um...okay? do you know anyone that needs pimping? #
- 21:23 @ Byronsbitch wish i could pull off hair that short #
- 21:27 shit, haven't used iMail in a week nd now its loading 230 unread emails. Lovely #
- 21:54 i need foooood, dying. #
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