Dec 27, 2002 09:06
Guess I should go over my weird little Christmas day-like thing since everyone else is doing it. Not that anyone actually wants to read!!
Grandma came over Christmas Eve after mom went bezerk cleaning the whole house. That day was pretty quiet. Just us and Grandma, and she's pretty quiet herself. Although we did play scrabble...I lost to everyone (and it sucks to lose to a 9-year-old). Grandma got 110-something points, and I had 61. Ouch. I'm an idiot.
Christmas went pretty good. I got the 120 prismacolor pencils (yay for half-off coupons!) and some new pens. Got some other stuff too, but they were all little useful things. We also now own a PS2, hurrah!
The neighbors all got us presents because Dad's been sick...we paid them back with cookies that we spent all day (I think they're crazy for getting us stuff in the first place). They got me a shoe rack. Hate to break it to them, but I have exactly 2 pairs of shoes. So Grandma took it back with her...hehehe. They gave Dad some cool stuff too.
Speaking of Dad, I actually got him a present this year that he likes. He can't talk right now and he's really sick. A word to all--radiation sucks.
After that sometime was the food...mmm. My grandma makes creamed corn that kicks ASS it is so good..and I don't even like corn. I don't mind eating leftovers because the food is so good. Great stuff.
Wow, I did some sucky writing in this one...I haven't written anything in a while. I should write a story or something, just because I need the practice.