Beneath the... (Chapter 22)

Jul 18, 2017 12:21

Title: Beneath the…
Rating: R for words.
Characters: OT5 (All Arashi members as brothers)
Genre: AU, drama, family, angst
Disclaimer: Only the plot is mine~
Summary: 2 years ago Osayama Satoshi was involved in a terrible accident that made him lost partial of his memories. Even though he survived the impact, he becomes mentally incapable and has to depend on his younger brothers to lead normal life. What he didn’t expect when waking up though was to find all his once caring brothers had turned into people who were completely different from his memory. Sho has changed into a hot-tempered workaholic, Kazunari becomes an introvert who refuses to talk with anyone, and Jun drowns himself in party, alcohol and women every single night. To make it even confusing, nobody in the house is allowed to speak about Masaki who for some unknown reasons has disappeared without a trace.
Will Satoshi find the answer he is seeking for in the end? Or something…is actually is hidden beneath the mess?
A/N: Their surname is Osayama. Un-betaed!

Chapter 22 : Beneath the secret

Thick atmosphere surrounds the luxury ward as soon as the chairman of Osayama Corporation leads his sons inside. Has long come to realize how dark their father’s expression is from the hospital garden, the brothers meanwhile stay quiet like they are waiting for the sick man to explode with rage soon. Despite the mistress’s effort to calm him down from getting agitate, the bedridden man ignores it when he turns to Jun who immediately still on his step.

“Did that woman is carrying your child?”

The restrained anger was clear as he shoots his murdering glare to the youngest son. Both Satoshi and Kazu at the same time quickly bring their stare to their younger brother, clearly worried with what is waiting for the latter ahead. Heavy silence surrounds the ward again when everyone waits for Jun’s answer, while the said person himself looks unusually composed despite realizing how bad his situation actually is.


“Bullsh*t! You can’t be sure about that if there’s no proof to show the child is really yours! She tricked you!!” the screams make all the sons nervous, especially Jun who already swallows hardly down when realize just how angry their father is. That reaction though doesn't hesitate him from staying firm with whatever choice he has made up in his mind.

“Why will she do that?”
“Because that kind of woman only wants someone to pay for her and her dirty child's living! That b*tch is a demon!”
“You have no right to insult her like that, father! No matter what, she’s still my friend! You have no idea what she had gone through!”
“Anyone can make up such a sad story to gain other’s sympathy!”

The fact that their usually unaffected father will grow this mad dumbstruck him. After all, that man will never mind it if he wanted to go partying, drinking, or took whomever he laid his eyes on to bed before. Even the latter himself was the one who always show his ‘support’ to his terrible lifestyle as he always jokes that what makes them so alike despite knowing how unhealthy and destructive it actually is by the end of the day. The realization just how much the latter will change when things are going out of hand like now saddens him as a son, but not for long once he reminds himself to stay calm and firm with his decision.

“I know her for years. I know she was grown by a single mother. I have connection with modeling agency and magazine company, and I’ll only sleep with someone that I’m sure what her background is. Also, the child in her now is exactly around the same month with when we did it without protection before. I’m not that stupid like you said, father. If there’s one thing I’m stupid about, it’s thinking that drown myself with alcohol and parties like you did before will be the right solution to my problem. And I’m not going to repeat the same stupidity by running away like a coward again this time. I’ve made up my mind.”

If not because he is one of Osayama family’s son, he is more than sure he will not leave the ward without a broken nose. Their father has turned completely red at this moment, seemingly close to lose his temper as he moves his chair forward without asking for his mistress to do it for him unlike usual. When they are finally just a few inches from each other, the old man finally speaks between his gritted teeth.

“Even if it’s really yours, there’s no reason for you to act so pure and holy by ‘taking responsibility’ or whatsoever. She already said she will take care of that child herself, wasn’t she?”

Those heartless words instantly burn the son’s tolerance down. When their father starts to insult the lady again later, Jun immediately stamps forward like he is ready to punch the man in front him regardless the fact that person is his own sick father. Thankfully, Kazu was fast enough to step in before things escalate even worse.

“But father, I think Jun makes a very respectful decision for taking responsibility of his action. We should support him in this matter, aren’t we?” he however couldn’t continue when their father already glare at him with his bloodshot eyes. Before he can think of any other way to break the tension, the old man suddenly grabs him down toward him.

“AND YOU! HOW COULD YOU LOOK FOR THAT RASCAL AGAIN BEHIND MY BACK! SHO HAD MADE IT CLEAR TO NEVER FIND HIM BACK EVER AGAIN, DIDN’T HE?! HOW COULD YOU?!!” when their wheelchair father begins to shake Kazu with all his might, Satoshi and Jun who are surprised by the unexpected action quickly pull the fourth brother away while the only woman there moves their angry father to avoid from the worst. The whole emotional burst has cost both the old man’s mental and physical strength as he gasps for his breath, but that for an unknown reason is not enough to stop him from screaming at the once introvert son with rage.

“He is dirty!! He shouldn’t be in this family!!”
“But it was proven Masaki wasn’t at fault during the two years ago incident-”
“That doesn’t change the fact he ignored Sho’s order!! I’ve had enough with his blush*t talks and promises!! That rascal is such an ungrateful brainless!! And now you’re thinking to become like him by turning your back on me??! I would rather have you lock yourself inside your room like before again then thinking of doing something heroic like this!!!”
“Sto-p it, fa-ther! Ka-zu tri-ed reall-y hard to cha-nge! He on-ly wan-ted-!”
“You stay out of this matter, Satoshi! Don’t let me start on you as well!!”

The threat shocks Satoshi. Not used to face such overwhelming situation, the mentally incapable man is torn between listening to that order or keeps on defending his brother. He seems lost with the choice he should make until he feels a warm touch from Kazu on his arm.  Later, when he sees the younger man shakes his head with a small smile, he chews his lip bitterly though obeys it nonetheless. All the sons are preparing themselves to face the worst when their father seems like he is going to lose his mind again before sudden knocks from outside distract them. Later, when the coming person opens the door and unexpectedly get inside without waiting for any permission first, everyone except for the angry man just stare him questioningly. Probably noticing the confusion in the air due to his lack of manner, the new visitor slightly bows his head down, especially toward their father. Family or not, the growing distance that has long happened between them have trained him to treat the old man more like his superior rather than a father nowadays.

“The nurses are gathering outside. They want to know what was the screaming all about, but I told them to let me handle it.”

Finally realize just how much ruckus they have created before, Satoshi, Kazu, and Jun immediately hold themselves from speak any further to avoid from enrage their father again. Only Sho doesn’t seem bother by that fact as he calmly looks at the man on wheelchair.

“Did you call me, father?”

The burning anger, the swearing, and the hatred send all the sons speechless. Although the old man coughs severely after that since he has stressed up himself too much, that doesn’t seem enough to ease his anger yet. The fact that their father will grow this much hatred toward his own child for one single mistake that the third brother had done despite his once used to be equal affections to all of them is beyond disturbing. It is obvious now that probably, their father also has trust issues, just like what Sho is trying to recover himself from now.

“I only do what I need to do to save the company.”
“Then, leave it to Kazu and Jun! They can cover you, right?!”
“Indeed. And they did it very well. But father, you also know yourself how sneaky the board of directors can be. We need someone who has more experience to deal with them and at the same time capable to watch the entire company so that Kazu and Jun can learn it from him. Also, this is actually part of our employees’ request. I believe it’s our responsibility to fulfill it…since it’s the only way to prevent from the same tragedy to happen again.”

That finally silence the agitated man. As his mistress tries to calm him down and make him to breathe properly again, the man rubs his pondering chest while gasps for air to fill his lungs properly. The four brothers on the other hand just watch from aside since they don’t want to worsen their old man’s condition by approach him closer until they hear he mumbles between his breath.

“I would rather…let…the directors…take over then.”

All his sons immediately widen their eyes, couldn’t believe with what they just heard.

“What are you talking about, father? You mean you would rather let those people rob your own company than letting Masaki to take over temporarily?”
“You’re being ridiculous now, father! Why will you throw someone from your life like that just because of one mistake he had done to the company?! Just what Masaki had done to you to deserve to be treated like this?!!”
“SHUT UP! I DON’T WANT TO BE TOLD THAT BY SOMEONE WHO F*CK SOME RANDOM SLUTS UNTIL SHE’D REASON TO FORCE HIM TO TAKE F*CKING RESPONSIBILITY!!!” their angry father wheezes when he nearly loses his breath after screaming like that to the top of his lungs. When he begins to cough endlessly despite his mistress’s effort to rub his chest, she finally reaches for the emergency button before tells all the sons to leave to avoid from stressing up the old man even more. By the time the four brothers step outside, they see a group of doctors and nurses are rushing to there from the other side of the corridor. None however bother to wait and hear what the medical team is going to say about their father’s unstable condition as they start to walk away from there as if the old man has nothing to do with them.

Later, the previous heavy atmosphere begins to fade away once they start to chatter with each other. When Jun begins to speak out about his confusion and disapproval on their father’s unfairness, Satoshi quickly nods to show his agreement with the point. Kazu on the other hand just chews his lip as he listens to the two brothers’ conversation before all of them are startled by Sho’s voice.

“Was what father said true, Jun? Did he mean you finally had impregnated someone?”

The second brother’s cold tone freezes the other three brothers. When he suddenly stops walking and shoots Jun with unreadable stare to demand for an answer, the rest immediately follow to halt on their step as well. Cold sweat already flow down to Jun’s face when he fails to read what is hidden beneath Sho’s emotionless face though he is more than sure that it will never mean a good thing.

Yet, not wanting to run away from his mistake anymore, Jun mutely nods. That small gesture enough to make Sho’s expression darkens before he walks pass them without saying any further word. Jun on the other hand doesn’t even notice that he has been holding his breath for the whole time until he feels someone pats him on back. When he turns and notices Satoshi’s reassuring eyes on him as he advises to wait for the second brother to calm down first, he just nods wordlessly. It is crystal clear just how fed up Sho already is with his idiocy and the revelation of the pregnancy is definitely more than a blow that the latter could bear from ever listening to him again.

He knows he has screwed himself up very bad this time. Totally.


The next day, Kazu straightaway rushes to Sho’s ward after having a short talk with Masaki in the office. It is supposed to be his turn to assist the older man today, but since Masaki insisted that he still can handle everything by himself, he hurriedly took his leave after apologized to the slightly older man. Last night, after refusing to see and talk with Jun for nearly the entire day, Sho suddenly tells him that he wants to personally see the woman who was said could be carrying Jun’s kid. Realizing that it might be a good sign for the young pair, Kazu immediately tells exactly that to Jun who then calls the said lady to come there and talk with his brother. Yet, this morning when he just entered the office and was having a talk with Masaki who asked if he can borrow the key to their house for a while, he suddenly received a call from Satoshi who told him that Jun’s friend still hadn’t come out of Sho’s ward after having a one-to-one talk with the second brother for more than an hour. That didn’t worry him at first since he knew Sho was probably just wanted to clear up everything without any grey in between, but when Masaki literally forces him to go to the hospital after accidentally listen to their conversation, he is left to no other choice. In the end, he didn’t even manage to ask what actually Masaki needs to take from their house since the older man already called a taxi for him after reminding him that he wants to hear the whole story later.

Right when the fourth brother finally arrives at the waiting space close to Sho’s ward, he frowns when found Satoshi is alone on the bench. Before he could ask anything however, the eldest brother already points at the corridor not far from there where he sees Jun is walking back and forth, looking so worried and mess up with whatever he is thinking about.

“I tol-d him to si-t do-wn, but he sa-id he can-t calm do-wn that wa-y.”
“I see. Did we know yet what Sho is talking with her?”
“No. Sho wan-ted to spe-ak with her a-lone, so we a-re not al-lowed to get in-side the war-d yet. That-s why Jun can-t re-lax.”

Kazu nods understandingly by that. Though not one hundred percent certain, he can guess what Jun is worried about now. If the latter really determines to keep what he had said in their father’s ward before, he is more than sure that the younger brother is now afraid Sho will literally interrogate the lady like a criminal until she breaks down or in the worst case, warns her to never show her face in front of them ever again using whatever strings he can pull. Being the current head of Osayama family, he realizes that Sho is probably being pressured to protect their family’s good name just like their father did. With the business world is watching him to see how far his capability can go as the leader of Osayama Corporation as well, the responsibility to look after their image is clearly on Sho’s shoulders. One wrong move and everything that their family had worked so hard after this entire time will immediately burn into ash.

Soon, the door to Sho’s ward suddenly has been opened. Jun immediately runs toward it once see his friend is coming out, yet he doesn’t manage to say a word to find out what they were talking about when she avoids him by rushing into the crowd in the hospital lobby instead. Both surprise and worried by the action, Jun hurriedly storms into Sho’s room. He however frowns as he steps further inside there and found the second brother is reading his book calmly like there was nothing serious happened though his friend’s behavior clearly showed something opposite.

“What did you talk with her, Sho?”

The bedridden man immediately looks up from his book by the question. At this moment, Satoshi and Kazu already get inside as well since they are both worried and curious with the entire situation themselves.

“I just want to clear up everything. I doubt you’re the only person she actually hooked up with after all this time.”

Though offended by Sho’s lack of trust, Jun tries to now show it to not worsen their situation. Thankfully, the logical part of him is still presence to remind that it is understandable for Sho to thinks that way since the latter doesn’t have any idea about his friend’s personality and background.

“I know we have no strong proof for that, but she didn’t lie…when she said I’m the father of the child in her belly. There’s no reason for her to look for me who she knows love to party and sleep around to ‘take responsibility’ if she only need someone as her last resort.”

Seeing how Sho just chuckles cynically by his answer makes Jun starts to lose his patience. Later, when the older man rises from his bed and approaches him with serious look, he clenches his fists hard as he prepares himself to face whatever is coming. Satoshi and Kazu who have been watching from aside since a while ago meanwhile already have their heart ponder with worries once they see Sho finally stops to stand face to face with the youngest brother who is staring him determinedly back.

“Any materialistic woman will target you who are one of the sons of Osayama legacy. Do you think they will let the chance to live in luxury slip away from their grip when they have a trump to make you marry them?”
“She’s not that kind of woman. I know her too well to see through her if she’s lying to me.”

That answer makes Sho raises his eyebrow, challenging.

“Then, did you know she threatened me that she will leak the story about you and her pregnancy 20 minutes after she’s in here? Stop covering that gold-digger b*tch just because she’s your friend.”

Jun grits his teeth by that. Both Satoshi and Kazu meanwhile already gasp behind since they don’t expect to hear both the story of the lady’s threat and such downgrading words to leave Sho’s mouth. The second brother rarely curses someone like that, but if he does, it definitely means he despises that person with his whole heart.

“I won’t let such a dirty woman to come into our family. Either that child is yours or not, isn't important now. Unless you want to be kicked out of this family, you better ignore her.”

The ward falls into silence when Sho waits for Jun to answer him. By the time Jun closes his eyes and let out frustrated sigh, Satoshi only can watch his brother sympathetically. Later, when the youngest brother finally looks at Sho again with his stern eyes, he really thought Jun will snap back at the second brother like he usually does. Yet, never even in a million years he will expect to see the strong-headed man can remain calm even during this time as he speaks.

“You don’t have to tell me all those lies just to make me leave her bearing that child alone. I’m going to take the responsibility. I’m going to marry her.”

Now, that stuns everyone else in the room. Back then, no matter how bad their fight were, Jun will definitely become the first one to back off since he didn’t want to make it worst for all of them. However, that doesn’t seem going to happen this time when, the younger man just returns Sho’s angry glare with an unshaken one to show that he will stand firm with his decision no matter what will come.

“Do you think you’re ready to have a child? To raise a family? To give them a nice home to return? You’re not even mature enough to take care of your own self and now  you’re telling me that you want to marry that b*tch? You’ve gotta be f*cking kidding me!”

The shout silence everyone else inside the room. Jun however remains quiet even with all those mock until Sho mentions something that always has been taboo to him.

“And let me make it clear about something. If that child she’s carrying is proven not be yours, nobody in this family will accept him ever! He’s just one dirty child with an unknown father and mother who is nothing but a b*tch who is thirst for money!!! And you’re at fault for trusting her enough with your pathetic philosophy of RESPONSIBILITY!! After that you will abandon that child! You will do just like that father did to us in the end! You’ll drink, you’ll f*ck random girls, you’ll go to club, and finally, you’ll abandon that child!! YOU WILL BE F*CKED UP JUST LIKE FATHER, JUN!! AND I SWEAR YOU'RE SHOWING THAT SIGN NOW!!” the last one was so offending even to the ears of outsiders that it immediately makes Jun to raise his fist at Sho. Thankfully, Satoshi is fast enough to grab the youngest brother and pull him far from Sho who already giggling sarcastically. That reaction burns Jun’s temper even more while he struggles with all his might to free himself from the older man’s tight hold which leaves Satoshi to no other choice, but to tighten his grip.

“Just like father and son. Your way of thinking and behavior are totally like fa-”

The scream silences everyone there includes Sho. When Jun fights madly the hold that it nearly makes the eldest brother slips his grip, Satoshi quickly turns to Kazu for help who unexpectedly remains still on his spot since a while ago. He is about to shout at the fourth brother to lend his help there, but stops when feels Jun’s well-being suddenly trembles against him. By the time he hears the younger man begins to sniff in front him, he can’t help from frowning. At first, he doesn’t get what is going on there since he can’t see Jun’s expression, but when the younger man eventually breaks down with sobs until he nearly loses his power, Satoshi immediately supports the latter while trying to calm him down.

Later, they hear knocking sounds are coming from outside. Being the nearest one with the door, Kazu quickly comes to open it while blocking the view inside once see a few worried nurses are already gathering there. It takes time to persuade those people to leave them alone for a while, but when he finally succeeds by saying that is very crucial to make Sho gets better, he immediately closes the door back. His expression however already darkens again as he eventually turns around and looks at a particular someone who hasn’t noticed about his murdering glare yet. At this moment, Jun already trembles hard with tears in Satoshi’s tight hold, while Sho still watches the younger man without any slight hint of mercy in his eyes.

“Don’t-Don’t put me on the same place as him…”

Nobody says a word as they give the younger man a room to continue. Seeing how hard it is for Jun to catch his breath due to his sobs though, Satoshi finally uses one of his hands to rub Jun’s back reassuringly. That touch seems manage to calm the younger man down when he finds his voice again after taking a few deep breathe with Satoshi’s encouragement.

“I-I know I was im-matured. Irresponsible. I-I know that I keep r-running away from my problems…my trauma a-after all this long. B-But it wasn’t because I-I want to be like father. I-I don’t want to become h-him…ever…”

Jun’s tears pour down harder when the old painful memory of the last time he saw their mother, having to witness their father’s sick behavior right in front him, and the mad lifestyle he had for these few years back begin to play before his eyes. That however doesn’t stop him from talking though not without difficulty since he doesn’t want to surrender to the past that he desperately holds onto until this moment. He has to make everything clear this time instead of letting his brothers to assume whatever they want to about him again.

“I’ve been…living in f-father’s shadow for long…just like her. I want to run away from i-it, but I-I was holding too much to the awful memory…t-that I grow to become like father before I realize it. When she told me that she h-has the same f-fear as me, I-I feel connected. I feel what she felt. I-I don’t know if I can accept it if it’s someone else who’s c-carrying my child, but since it’s h-her, I believe I’ll manage. I-I feel…like this is a chance for me to finally climb out of the p-past and at the same time avoiding myself from b-becoming…exactly like father. Father might raise us, l-look after us at some points, but…the emptiness he left in me…i-it’s still hurts. That’s why I think the two of us will make it. T-This is our chance to fix ourselves back… To fill what’s empty in-side us. I-If she rises the child herself, in the end she will become a single mother j-just like her mother. And the child…will through w-what she had through too…and feel the same e-emptiness as I did for having a b-bastard as a father. I d-don’t want to let the cycle happen. I-I want to change that.”

When Jun immediately coughs after forcing himself to talk that long, Satoshi helps him by stroking his back again though already tear up by the confession. Kazu has long loss for words by that while Sho remains quiet even though his expression still doesn’t soften a bit. Not expecting the second brother to understand what he just said, the crying man quickly wipes his tears away. After takes a moment to calm himself down again with a few deep breath, he eventually moves his teary, yet determined eyes to meet Sho’s again.

“Kick me out if you want to. You can tell f-father what I just said and father can remove my name from his will or whatever, but I’m NOT…going to change my mind. If you’re w-worried my decision will bring shame t-to our family, I can take her to move far away from here w-with me. I’m not going to drag o-our family into this. I promise.” despite still tremble hard with tears, he can feel a huge burden in his chest lift by that. No matter his brothers are going to decide after this he will accept it with open-heart, but that doesn’t mean he is not going to back off from his word, ever.

Later, when Sho suddenly put his hand on the youngest brother’s shoulder, everyone else is frozen by it. Nobody knows what to expect when the young CEO grips it while sighing, before finally looks straight into Jun’s eyes - properly for the first time since the argument started. Another heavy silence then suddenly comes to surround the ward again which makes both Satoshi and Kazu to still on their position, neither knows what they should expect from this second anymore until Sho finally opens his mouth again.

“Both you and her said this is a chance to fix yourselves again, so make sure not to screw up again this time. If you hate to be put in same category as father that much, then don’t come closer to whatever things that can make people label you as him. There is no shortcut to free yourself from the past, Jun. Be it with drinking, partying or whatever. You won’t be able to solve it ever if you continue to run away.”

Then, beyond the eldest and fourth brothers’ expectation, Sho pats him like trying to show his support. Jun who had been very confused by the sudden change of attitude since a while ago on the other hand already stumbles on his words as he still tries to comprehend with what is going on. The young CEO even takes his time to go back to his bed before drinking some water as he says that those previous screaming had drained his voice though he just started to talk again since a few days ago.  That of course, makes the freelancer grows even speechless until Sho finally turns to his brothers again after settling on his bed.

“Sorry Jun, but what I did before was on purpose. I need to know what you’re really thinking about this whole matter and if you’re one hundred percent sure that you’re going to own your sh*t this time. You screw up pretty bad this time, did you know that?”

Jun can’t say anything back for that, clearly still speechless by Sho’s unbelievable way to force him open up. Yet, when the latter’s words slowly sip into him, he only manages a nod as his answer.

“I’ve talked with her before about you. She told me that she also wasn’t very sure if you really want to take responsibility or it’s only because of your ego to not become like father since you change your mind in a very short time. So, I told her that I’m going to give a little ‘test’ on you. That’s the reason why I talked to you like that before.”

“…You trust her?”

Sho nods.

“I can see how admirable she is after we talk about a lot of things before. I’ve met so many people because of my work and I can see through them by asking the right long as I’m not too influenced by stress and my emotions. To be quite honest tho…I’m even more surprised that she trusts you enough to be with her looking by how similar her late father was with your characters. But I could be wrong about that. You still care a lot about your family even with that lifestyle of yours unlike father.”

The unexpected praise makes Jun pretty much speechless. It feels like ages since Sho finally talk properly to him like that, let alone saying something as appreciative as that. And it is not only him alone who is shocked by that, but also Satoshi and Kazu who had been staring at the second brother with wide eyes since a while ago. Their disbelieve reaction though doesn’t amuse Sho the slightest as he scratches his head awkwardly while trying to come up with something to cover up the unpleasant atmosphere.

“Anyway, you don’t have to be worried about staining our family name or whatever. Dad’s reputation is bad enough to make them look over yours. Just…make sure you’re going to keep your word. Or else nothing will change in the end.”

No matter how hard he tries it, Jun can feel he is becoming even teary by both the advice and support. He had been worrying about his family’s response regarding this matter endlessly since the moment she told him about the pregnancy and on each second, he can’t help but imagining everyone to either leave him dealing with alone or gives the same reaction as their father. The realization of how bighearted his brothers are even though he understands how complicated the mistake he had cause makes him feel very relief and glad that he still have them on his side. Despite his effort to restrain himself from crying due to happiness, he was too late since Satoshi already asks if he is touched by Sho’s words. That immediately make him scold the eldest brother, though it doesn’t stop the latter from laughing while Sho just smiling from the side. The ward fills with laughter and playful hit when Jun tries to revenge the giggling man until Kazu who has been staying quiet since the beginning of the drama eventually speaks.

“How irony.”

Those two words gain everyone else’s attention to look at him. Kazu however just bitterly look at each of them, especially when remembers what Sho had said regarding bloodline. He can’t help from feelings sad when watching how happy the three of them can be after the sensitive conversation, even though he is more than aware that the current Satoshi and Jun don’t know about the truth yet.

“Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad for you, Jun. I really am.” he tries to show that he meant it by smiling although it doesn’t actually reach his eyes. However, when he stops his gaze at Sho who is still looking at him wonderingly, his expression immediately changes into an angry one as he approaches the latter on bed.

“You're getting on my nerves. You keep saying Jun is the one who is becoming more like father, but haven’t you noticed how you’re actually like father yourself?”

By the time the furious man stops next to him, Sho already frowns confusedly. Satoshi and Jun who are watching them on the other hand turn to speechless, what more when realize how close Kazu actually is to explode with anger for an unknown reason.

“What are you talking about?”
“You said a child with an unknown father and gold-digger mother is dirty. You even said that kind of child won’t be accepted into our family. That’s just like what father had said yesterday.”
“Hold on. I really didn’t mean what I said before if that’s what bothering you. I only did that to provoke Jun.”
“That doesn’t change the fact you treated Masaki unfair.”
“Why this has anything to do with him? We’re talking about Jun here.”
“Don’t try to play dumb here, Sho! I know you kicked Masaki out of the company and this family partly because of that! What made you different from father in the end now?!”
“For God’s sake, Kazu, I don’t know what you’re talking about! I admit that I fired him because I can’t accept it he didn’t follow my order when I entrusted everything to him! I felt betray because he made the same mistake as some workers did to me over and over again when I just took over father’s position! And one more thing it’s because he was in touch with LAB behind my back-!”
“That’s what I mean! I don’t give a d*mn about the company for this matter, but I won’t unseen the fact you insult Masaki like that just because he isn’t connected to us by blood! Isn’t the fact father had disowned him doesn’t make you satisfied enough?!”
“I mean he contacted LAB behind my back and didn’t let me know what the email was all about when I demanded him to! Now, can you stop changing the topic out of a sudden? It sounds like you’re the one who care about bloodline more than me! I don’t even see the relation with all those things you’re talking about!”

That answer stuns Kazu like no other. He does remember that Satoshi had said Masaki didn't want to speak about the content of email he had been exchanging with LAB when he met the latter for the first time after years, but he didn't know that Sho actually never get to find out what it was all about himself. And now he already spoke too much about the matter to the point he couldn't change the topic even if he wants to.

“We have different mother from the first place, Kazu. What’s so surprising about that?”
“Ye-ah, Jun was ri-ght. Ma-saki and I sha-re sa-me mothe-r. And a-ll you fou-r sha-re same fa-ther.” Satoshi’s innocent answer makes it harder for Kazu to continue. The memory of two years ago accident immediately plays in his mind by that - forcing him to take a moment to calm down so he will not overwhelm himself again. Once he feels he is ready enough, he finally forces himself to say something though he couldn’t bring himself to look at Satoshi in eyes.

“Nii-san…you’re correct about Masaki and you are sharing same mother. But Masaki doesn’t have a same father with us.”

That dumbfounds the three listening brothers even more. They really can't understand the logic behind Kazu's words now even if they try to.

“What are joking about, Kazu. Masaki was born after Nii-san and Masaki’s mother married to father, right? How come father is not Masaki’s real father all of a sudden? That’s ridiculous.”

Jun tries to lighten the mood by teasing his short-memory. Yet, seeing Kazu’s unchanged stiff expression turn his gaze into disbelieve one by instant. The fourth brother on the other hand can’t longer bring himself to look at Satoshi who already look at him with big confusion in his head, not when the next disclosure might ruin the image that the latter has on his mother just like the night of the accident. He however doesn’t have to make it anything clear when Jun already says it first.

“You mean like…an affair?”

Kazu neither nods nor rejecting it.

“That’s ridiculous. How did you get that idea? Don’t start making up thing now.”
“Why did you think father despises Masaki that much then? I’m unemployed and always hide myself in my room, but father never really mind about it…while Masaki who worked very hard for company is hated that much for one mistake he didn’t really do.”

The answer makes all the other three brothers speechless. Now, when Kazu mentions that, it does seem weird for them that their father will grow that much hatred toward Masaki for that incident regardless how much the old man loves his company. After all, Masaki is one of his sons, right?

Or does he really is?

“Have you guys ever wonders why LAB desperately search for Masaki since two years ago? And why they are brave enough to take risk of having someone who had been fired from their enemy’s company to be named as the heir?”

None of the three knows the answer for it. The closest one they can guess is because of the infamous LAB lack of potential heir rumor, but…nobody could expect something even more twisted and darker than that will come.

“…Because LAB’s owner and the current husband of Nii-san and Masaki’s mother…is Masaki’s real father.”


>Phewwww finally I can post this! I'm reaaaly sorry again for this late update. A lot of things happened for the past days. My late grandfather's brother passed away, I got food poisoning, and have to run some errands... Also, I need to take take care of my sick cat. He just died last night, but at least he didn't need to suffer with his pain anymore.
>What makes this chapter takes more time to update is because it's longer than the other chapter. It's 6,000+ words while the previous ones are around 3,000+ words to 4,000+ words. That's why I hope this (slightly) lengthy chapter can compensate the delay ^^"
>Anywaaaaay, did any of you notice about Masaki's secret earlier? Some readers asked me why I used Osayama as their surname. The reason why I can't answer it clearly to you before is because 'Aiba' wasn't actually there = Ohno + SAkurai + ninomiYA + MAtsumoto. It was very subtle tho, so I know not so many people will realize it.
>The update probably will take once in every three days after this, but I hope you still can stay with it until the end (_ _) Thank You SO much for still following!!!

series, rating: r, arashi

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