Beneath the... (Chapter 1)

May 31, 2017 07:04

Title: Beneath the…
Rating: Uhh...R for words?
Characters: OT5 (All Arashi members as brothers)
Genre: AU, drama, family, angst
Disclaimer: Only the plot is mine~
Summary: 2 years ago Osayama Satoshi was involved in a terrible accident that made him lost partial of his memories. Even though he survived the impact, he becomes mentally incapable and has to depend on his younger brothers to lead normal life. What he didn’t expect when waking up though was to find all his once caring brothers had turned into people who were completely different from his memory. Sho has changed into a hot-tempered workaholic, Kazunari becomes an introvert who refuses to talk with anyone, and Jun drowns himself in party, alcohol and women every single night. To make it even confusing, nobody in the house is allowed to speak about Masaki who for some unknown reasons has disappeared without a trace.
Will Satoshi find the answer he is seeking for in the end? Or something…is actually is hidden beneath the mess?
A/N: Their surname is Osayama.


It was confusing for him. Everything had changed the moment he opened his eyes and found both Sho and Jun were sitting on the other side of his bed. Kazu was in the room as well, but just staring from the corner like distancing himself away. All of them had a same relief look when saw him eventually gained his consciousness before it turned into horror once they heard him spoke. Then, out of a sudden, Jun rushed to outside while saying something about the doctor as Sho rushed closer and asked if his head hurt anywhere. It was still a big mystery for him when saw both his younger brothers had their expression drastically changed once he tried to answer their question though not without difficulty.

As soon as Jun came back with a doctor and nurses later, the barely recovered patient was rained with tons of questions until it became too much to bear. Panic voices, angry screams, and endless blames were thrown everywhere until it forced Satoshi to hide under his blanket, trembling and scared. He still remembered how painful it was to listen to his brothers' fight despite the staff’s effort to calm them down as he silently cried to himself to the neverending rage.

Why were they fighting? What they meant with brain damage? Why wasn't Masaki there?

...What made his family became this brokenly apart?

Chapter 1: Beneath the surface

Another bright morning comes. As usual, Satoshi will enthusiastically follow the morning exercise that shows on the television so he can prepare himself for another great day. He sings along with the popular children song that he already familiar with until the end before it eventually replaced by some funny commercials.

“Nii-san, come here and sit down. Your food is going cold.”

Still smiling, the eldest brother obeys as he approaches their dining table energetically. He immediately says his bon appetite once settling next to the younger one and gobbles his food happily while Jun calmly eat his. Even when Sho comes to join them not long after, the house remains quiet as nobody makes an effort to start a conversation. Later when Satoshi eventually finishes his meal and runs to the living room to chase after the second eldest brother who is ready to leave, he persuades the latter to help him tie his shoelaces. Though sighing, Sho agrees nevertheless and comes to sit next to him on the genkan.

“You should learn to tie this yourself. What if we are too busy and you have to do it yourself one day?”

Satoshi just pouts by the nagging tone. Well, it isn’t like he doesn’t know how to tie his shoelaces. In fact, he can do it if it is needed, but he just loves the attention his brothers give when they are taking care of him. Both Sho and Jun are too busy with their work while Kazu rarely came out of his room, so most of the time he will be on his own except when he is at his workplace. Just when he is deciding if he shall prolong his sulking a bit longer though, his expression brightens once notices that Kazu is coming to the downstairs.

“Mo-rni-ng, Ka-zu!” Satoshi shouts cheerfully while waving at the younger one. He notices how the edge of Kazu’s lips lifts a little when the latter turns to him as well, but not for long as he quickly disappears into the kitchen. Later when Sho finally finishes helping him, Kazu comes out from the kitchen with tray of his breakfastat the same time. The fourth brother is about to take it into his room when Sho suddenly speaks to him.

“Stop hiding and go do something more productive outside. Don’t you think it’s enough already? Nothing will change if you stay like this.”

For a short moment, Satoshi notices how Kazu just staring at the older brother with a pair of cold eyes. Instead of saying anything back however, the fourth brother chooses to remain quiet and stamps back into his room. Neither Sho nor Jun seem to care about the unchanging behavior though which makes Satoshi timidly retreats and whisper that he will wait for them outside. Deep inside, he can feel the pain and the helplessness in his chest grows deeper when witnessing the coldness that already rooting in their house since years ago...

***“Satoshi-kun, that’s enough. Let's have your lunch first.”

Satoshi immediately nods at the middle age woman who is standing on the doorstep as he put the last stock on the racks. He then follows her into the staff room where the woman's husband is waiting to have their lunch together. As always while eating their food, the couple will treat him like their real son as they keep telling him to eat more. The couple is one of the oldest residents in the neighborhood area and was kind enough to come and visit him during his bedridden days in the hospital. Even after he had fully recovered from his injuries, they offered him a job as the storage keeper in their small shop so they can help to look after him until Sho or Jun return from their job. Although Sho had told them repeatedly that it is unnecessary to pay him since they have provided him with daily lunch already, the couple insisted. Satoshi himself actually doesn’t know what he should use his money for since Sho and Jun are more than afford to buy him anything he needs, so it will always either go into his piggy bank or the nearby shrine where he often come to visit. Every time he has a chance, he will definitely try to come and pray in there so that his family can return to how they were used to be. After all, there is nothing he wants than to see his family become closer again. He misses the old time when they were still together and had so much fun laughing at each other or just simply hanging out like nothing else matter.

However, no matter much he longs for it now, he also realizes that things will never be that easy. There is a lot of things he still doesn’t understand like how he turns into what they call as ‘mentally incapable’, why his brothers suddenly refuse to hang out with each other, and what happened in between a few months before he lost his memory. He tried to seek all the answers from his brothers for so many times, but what he recieved were never enough to unfold anything. It seems like there is something that they try to hide or doesn’t want to talk about to anyone which also includes him. Not to mention that he can’t even say “Masaki” when they are together or else everyone’s expression will suddenly change into an uncomfortable one, especially Sho who will suddenly lose his temper and spends the rest of his day throwing tantrum to everyone he meets. And since he realizes that fight will definitely erupt every time he brings up the topics, he decides to keep the question to himself no matter how bothered he actually feels by it. If talking about it will only make his brothers’ mood worsen, he would rather remain quiet and keep all his feelings to himself and wait for them to open up instead…maybe one day.

2.45 am

Satoshi has no idea for how long he has been staring at the glowing clock next to his bed. Even though he hates to use toilet at this hour, in the end he doesn’t have a choice but to go downstairs anyway. As usual when he walks pass the living room, he will see the lights are still on with Sho still sitting in the same position in front of his laptop just like before he went to his bedroom. Seeing the terrible eye bags that Sho has after working like a madman for the past few years however makes Satoshi's expression dim into a sad one.

“Do you need anything, Nii-san?”

Sho suddenly asks without looking away from the screen. Satoshi on the other hand just shakes his head by the question as he walks closer to the younger man who seems busy checking on the stacks of files beside him. Even though the second brother never complain about it, he knows that Sho must be very exhausted and stressed up due to his big responsibility after taking over their father's position as the company head director around 5 years ago. And since both Kazu and Jun refuse to work there while he already lost his capability to take care even his own self, Sho has no other choice but to handle everything alone. Even though it was Sho who heavily opposed the idea to work under their father a long time ago, fate ironically decides the other way round now.

“Hey, are you sure you’re okay?”

Sho’s worried voice brings him back from his thought. That brings a small smile to Satoshi's face, what more once noticing the concern look that the other one already have on him. No matter how bad temper and workaholic Sho is, he knows that his brother will always put other people as priority before himself.

Yet, just when he is about to answer that he is fine and wish his brother goodnight, both of them startle by sound of someone unlocking the front door from outside. He flinches when notice Sho’s expression immediately changes once they heard Jun’s drunk humming comes from behind the now slightly ajar door.

But that actually is not his main fear. The worst hasn't came yet until they see the giggly youngest brother appears on the doorstep.

“I’m hooome~”

It takes only one step inside the living room before Jun nearly has his head hit by the thick file Sho just throws.


The air turns heavy in a blink of eyes. Satoshi clearly can see the pulsating vein on their neck  as Jun shoots his hatred glare to Sho who really looks like he is going to kill someone in any second soon.

“Seriously, I’m NOT a kid anymore.”

Jun’s eyebrows twitch by that. Clearly offended, the youngest brother angrily stamps forward.


Satoshi sure he sees a fire spark in Sho’s eyes by that. No longer care about anything or anyone else around them, the two most headstrong brothers then start to scream at each other. Satoshi at the same time only can helplessly watch the whole mess while shifting his eyes to the two angry men in front. After all, an agitated Sho and an offended Jun are two things that nobody in the house can mess with, what more when they are in the middle of fight right now. The weight as the eldest however urges him to come forward and interrupt them before a sudden touch on his shoulder from behind stops him from making any movement. Once he turns around to find for the hand's owner later though, he frowns to see Kazu already standing behind him with unreadable expression.

“It's already late. Nii-san should go back to sleep.” The calm tone makes Satoshi frowns as he watches the slightly pale brother then start to climb up the staircases back without bothering to look at their fighting brothers. Though still hesitate with the thought of leaving their brothers within that state, the mentally incapable man doesn't have a choice but to follow Kazu who is already walking ahead. Yet, as soon as they are inside his bedroom where they later hear sound of broken glass comes from downstairs, he finally can’t hide his anxiousness.

“C-Can we st-op the-m?”

Satoshi asks as he worriedly waits for an answer from the man who just about to leave his room. He is hoping for any good solution from the younger brother who he is more than aware is much wiser when it comes to crisis like this, but to his surprise, all he receives is only a blank stare with an emotionless tone as the latter speaks.

“It’s useless.”

Satoshi then is left dumbfounded when Kazu closes the door without letting him saying anything further. Still surprise by the cold response, the eldest brother doesn't make a move at all as he just stares at the direction where his brother has disappeared to. It takes several more seconds before he finally let out a dejected sigh and moves to lie down on his bed again with a sad pout on his face. Unable to calm himself down by the audible angry screams which are still coming from downstairs, he then curls up under his beloved fish pattern blanket and waits for them to stop soon. In the middle of the endless waiting though, tiredness slowly slips into him as his eyeslids slowly grow heavier and weaker until he eventually falls asleep into his colorless dreamland beyond his willing.

That night is again cold.

It is cold and empty, just like the other night he had been spending at since he woke up in the hospital bed years ago...


>I decide to post this series as well in the end. I only have less than 2 months to finish this series so when I calculated the remaining time I had, I realize that I will no have enough time if I don't start immediately since this series probably will take more than 20 chapters to complete. Will try to go for double posts after this since I still want to see which is much convenience, LJ or DW (but so far both has its pros and cons ^^ ).
>Again, this story is different from two stories that I talked about in my old posts XD But as promise, it's OT5! I already finished until chapter 15 so far, but to be quite honest I'm not sure how long it will take until the last chapter :) Hope it won't be that long.
>Comments, advises, and constructive criticisms are welcomed! Thank You SO much for reading!

series, rating:r, arashi

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