Yuugiou; 03:00; Resuelto

Feb 04, 2007 16:21

Theme: [03:00] Determination, especially in matters that seem to hold you back.
Title: Resuelto
Fandom: Yuugiou
Pairing: Bakura Ryou/Jyonouchi Katsuya
Category: Romantic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Shounen-ai/boy love and kissing. Actually, this is probably about at tame as my stuff gets.... And I swear to god that I'm not trying to do these prompts in chronological order, but for some reason that's how they've been hitting me!
Disclaimer: Yuugiou, Bakura Ryou, and Jyonouchi Katsuya are all property of Takahashi Kazuki.


The table is located here.

03:00 - 3am, *category: romance, series: yuugiou

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