Seize the Day, Suffer the Night Hour 1: 12:00AM-1:00AMAuthor:
sailorhathorChapters: 1 of 24
Claim: Dean Winchester of "Supernatural"
Prompt: #9 Career Choice
Rating: Rated R, overall, for language, sexual content, and horror
Ashes of Dreams and Bloodstained Streets (scroll, baby, scroll)
Word Count: 2,816
Summary: Today is the longest day in Dean Winchester's life. This hour, Dean and Brook grift some poker players out of their money, while Sam encounters a phantom child who mentions an agreement they made many years ago.
Warning: Winsister AU! Contains spoilers for a few second season episodes.
Author's Notes: Dear Muses, I have enough WIP's and stories to write already. Please don't give me anymore ideas until I finish some of them. Regards, Laurel.
Dear Laurel, Like hell. The Muses
Seize the Day Table