OH my god, guess what?
First, I shall tell you about stuff. Today, I'm locked in the computer lab for 3 hours [just one hour now...] because there are exams [thank thank the gods i don't have to take yet] and me and this girl from italy, named laura,'s chinese teacher is takign us to 白汇 to go shopping at 1130, and also to lunch and the bank, so il really excited. Shopping is actually going to be a sort of practical lesson, were we have to try and bargain for our clothes [and hopefull jrock piccies!!!!!!^.^] by ourselves] so, im lookign forward to it. But good LORD I have to PEE!!!! X_X anyways,I have started makign friends here [i know ...shoking] but its more of a i-will-talk-to-you-in-class friend then a real concrete frined. I did go to one girl's house one night, though, and we watched the first 2 movies of what the grudge is based on. It was so freakign scary. Speakign of movies though, a few days ago, Saw was on TV [X_X] so me, meyi and the grandmother watched it. It was horrid, but not a bad movie I guess.
Ummmm....what else? I really REALLY crave Arby's, so yall have to go eat a bunch for me, K?
And...thats really all I can think to say for now, ill try to update again in a while.
Oh, this weekend I'm gettign a cellphone. So, i can wander around more comfortably, talk to friends [if i ever get any real ones] adn my mum can call on that, so i can talk to her soon hopefully for the first time in over a month. I didnt even get to talk to her on my birthday.
Neways, yeah. I miss yall, and I feel frustrated that I am so completely out of loop on things, but I hope yall will remember me come july!!!
And now....I have a surprise, mainly its a gift to me, but I guess I can share
Picture time!!!
Coutresy of Hana, my first chinese friend....
[btw, this is them in china some years past. Appropriate i think]
IT's so funny to think of kyo doing his friends's hair ^^ X_X
Do yall have any idea how strange it is to be recognizing this food they're eating. I actually ate it two days ago O.o Except mine were just veggies strangley enough. Normally they have some pork in em too.
Well, BYEBYE!!