3 day weekends are awesome

Sep 06, 2004 21:14

soooooo what has been going on with me? well. friday, i went to puccini's with lindsey, cece and katie. we were gunna go to the movies but everything was sold out. sooooo we got pizza instead. man, good fucking times!!! chelsea was there and i kept pretending to hit on her, i think i might have scared some of the other people there. yay! lotsa good laughs. thennnn, we went to walmart and i got another modest mouse cd....the moon and antarctica. its pretty good =D. that was pretty much my night. i went home and slept.

Saturday, i worked from 8:45 to 4:45. too fucking early. i almost cried because i had the worst allergies and sinus problems, and i was tired, and my body hurt. blah. oh well. it went by fast, and some fun people were working so thats always good. Matt came in at like 11, and ke was kinda flirting with me, which is weird since we're broken up and all...oh well. maybe its just the aftermath of a short sucky relationship, who knows? after work, Erin came over!!! and.... SHE AND TREVOR ARE A COUPLE!!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im really happy for her. so she came over for a few hours, and we just watched tv and played games and talked. it was good fun.

Sunday..........i was supposed to work but i didnt. muahahaha. i gave them some excuse like, my mom was out of town and i had no way to get there and had to babysit my sister or something...they said it was alright, but they called me at 12 to see why i wasnt there. stupid bosses. i then babysat kyle, bryn, and reese from 2-4:30. made some money there, so good for me! yay. then i came home, and everyone left. mackenzie went to a friends house, and mom and john went to a wedding downtown. so i was home alone for 6 hours. it was great. i love spending quality time with myself. not really, but whatever.

oooh boy. and today. monday. i went to Kim's house around 12:30ish, and we sat around and did random stuff for 5 hours. her dad was supposed to take us to walmart or something but it didnt work out. so Kim got some money and we walked to CVS. Kim bought hair dye, chapstick, eyeliner, reeses pieces, and some other stuff. i bought.....twinkies, cookies, reeses, chips, dr. pepper, chapstick, and gum. muahahahaha. bingeing is wonderful. i think. we saw jack on the way back and that was fun. hahaha oh yes, and we cant forget jackass and "im in an interracial relationship" on MTV. wow. some people are weird. hehehe...Kim and i dubbed interacial relationships as hot fudge sundaes. woohoo. good stuff right there. but on "i want a famous face" we saw a bunch of gross lipsuction stuff. and some guy wanted lip implants to better his chances of looking like elvis. suckers, this shit doesnt work. but its fun to make fun of! yay!

so this was my weekend. i work tomorrow which should prove to be loads and loads of fun. i hope.
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