Cause and Effect

Mar 19, 2019 13:59

If you have 2 and 3 matches, together you have 5 matches. But if you don’t have any matches 2+3 still equals 5. And all this math, laws, functions, ideas, ideals live somewhere. We are just a projection of that world of ideas and we are here to implement them, however imperfectly. Thus, our inability to build a house with exact horizontal and vertical lines doesn’t absolve us of responsibility to build it the best we can.

If you think of the sequence of inventions - electricity, telegraph, telephone, TV, internet, email, you may consider that we are moving to realization that our world is WWW and as soon as we learn laws of conduct and privacy we’ll get unlimited global access. Some people already have glimpse of that when, for example, mothers feel from a distance that something is happening with their children.  There are similar accounts of lives of righteous people.

Immanuel Kant argued that if there is a sequence of cause and effects then there should be a Cause of the entire sequence.

G­­-d talks with us through our souls, which are part of Him. Being created in His image makes communication possible.

On a personal note, once, when I didn’t know what to do, I got an answer in the form of insight that I couldn’t comprehend; then I got explanation as well. It was not my own internal answer because it felt foreign, but it worked!  So now from time to time I am using this question-insight “technique” and it feels awesome. For example, with some technical question at work, I prepare everything I can, ask question, revert my attention to something else and often  get some breakthrough in a couple of hours. You may want to try it!

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