Fakeout. Not yet. Keep 'em crossed though, I got MAD entries droppin' hella soon, beleedat, thur gon' be poppin' off like off the chains. Until then, stay cool.
William, you are so cool that I haven't felt so inadequate and uncool since I was in 3rd grade in the mid-nineties and all the cool high school kids were like Gods listening to Kurt Cobain and knowing things I wouldn't know for ten years and having long hair and torn clothes and being totally arcane.
Anyway, that was a compliment in case you couldn't tell.
I was raised mormon and conservative. MTV was illegal in our house, and so were R-rated movies. I never even saw the breakfast club until I was 16. And I've yet to see Labyrinth. Those are 80s, but I still missed out.
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Anyway, that was a compliment in case you couldn't tell.
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