Jan 17, 2006 17:45
You wanna know what it is? Well, I wish somebody would send me one of those kinda long online survey-list things where I fill out all kindsa stuff about myself, preferences, etc...I want to do one, but I am not going to go looking for one and then put it up on my own webpage...I couldn't bear it...but if someone sent me one, I would sort of feel obligated to fill it out and then post it. Oh Damn, I just remembered something, I was going to look around for birthday presents for Erin today, and I totally forgot and now she is coming home in ten minutes. I feel like I'm on TV, or at least I sound like I am. Man, what a dumb mistake there. Slipped my mind, I did laundry and played Soul Calibur and ate breakfast and just totally didn't do something that I kinda needed to. Oh Wellsovitch. I will get to it...does anyone besides Erin have some good suggestions for a B-Day G.? Or Erin, if you do, you could post it on here anonymously. Clever, huh?
I might get a job tomorrow, maybe, maybe. If they hire me, it will finally be some proof that all the money I sunk into charm school wasn't a total waste. Send me your luck on winged black beetles, I beg, let them line up outside my window or door this evening, I will kiss each one in the morning. Thanks in advance!