As of today, I will no longer be using this livejournal account, and will instead be moving to: I realise this raises a number of questions, and to answer the first one, yes, I know that's a rather trite user name, and no, it has nothing to do with the nineties band One Dove or ecstacy tablets. It's just that it's close enough to my present user name to be easy to remember - squint in fact and it's hard to tell the difference. Plus, 23dives seemed a little too odd (though I'm beginning to suspect it may have been the better choice).
The main question of course, though, is "Why bother changing accounts at all"? OK then:
1/ This journal was originally supposed to be a travel blog. It appears to be slipping away from its original purpose quite radically now, and to be honest it was always the travel entries that I found the most satisfying to do, and they will certainly go on to be the things I most want to look back on. Endless entries about my day-to-day life in London on here are just clogging everything up, to be honest.
2/ The BT man came today and told me that because my block of flats was new in a relatively non-residential area, construction work would have to take place outside (once the builders had finished working on the bulk of the block) to ensure a line could come in. Only then can I have a land line, and therefore Internet access. This could be months away yet.
The reason this is relevant (as I'm sure you're all begging to know why) is that I'm none too keen on accessing this journal from work. There's a lot of whining about Human Resources on it, a sector I still have to work in unfortunately, and to log on here from an office terminal so early into a working contract might be a bit risky. I'm being very precautious, yes, but there is some sort of sense to this as well.
3/ I am not - repeat, ABSOLUTELY NOT - sniffing other people's BO and farts down the local Internet cafe every time I have to reply to the comments one of you lot has left. It's getting silly.
So then
23doves it is. I'd be most obliged if you could add that to your friends list, if you still want me lingering around you, that is.