Oo, another update.

Jul 13, 2007 11:24

On my last entry, Paul left a link to a site that lets you turn off the "Automatic Restart" function of the "Automatic Update" option of Windows. Although I know many of you have turned away from the Dark Side to head towards freer, more stable pastures in the land of the Jedi, those of you still in the grips of the emperor may find this useful.

"Coding Horror"

With many thanks to Paul for finding it, and Paul's friend Chris for posting it in his LJ, making it that much easier to track down. (Not that Paul's friend Chris is aware of this, but I like to think somewhere in Oregon a boy just said "You're welcome," for no apparent reason.)

One caveat, though. If you, by chance, happen to actually download an update that's worth the memory it's stored in, make sure to restart your computer as soon as you can. Service Pack Two is a good example of this. If you don't restart then you don't complete the update, and if you don't complete the update then every time Windows crashes the "customer support" personnel will say, "Oh, that's your problem, then, you've gotta update," before they return to the annual pinochle tournament they hold against the GNU developers. Even if it's not.

I just got back from the dentist. I like my dentist, I guess, he and the dental hygienist think I'm fabulously intelligent, but so help me I cannot help wanting to gag when I see his chest hair above his scrubs, leaning over my mouth... Ugh! I'm just waiting for one to make a bid for freedom. No floss in the world would make my teeth feel clean.

Flossing is something everyone says they'll do, and never does. A) Flossing is disgusting. You are running a string between your teeth. B) There is nothing attractive about flossing. You can brush your teeth in a cotton nightie and still look kind of cute in a silly way, but when you floss--twisting your mouth into all kinds of grotesque shapes, flicking the sliver of apple from lunch time in an arc out of your mouth--there's not even the possibility of being cute. There is nothing attractive about the act of flossing.

Every time the dentist asks me if I've been flossing, I answer, truthfully, "Sometimes" which ranges in meaning from "Yes" to "No." In this case, "Rarely." I do not like to floss in front of other people, even though I have those little hand-held flossy things so I don't accidentally cut off circulation to the tips of my fingers. (This has happened before.) For that matter, the entire year I never saw a single person floss and--when I remembered to do it--I had the longest teeth cleaning regimen, consisting of brushing, sometimes flossing, and Listerine. (This, I might add, is very sad.)

I always wonder, what did the cavepeople do? ("Cavepeople" being the pc term for "Cavemen," alternatives being, "Cavedwellers," "Domestically challenged individuals," and "Richard Nixon.") These cavepersons did not brush their teeth and I doubt they flossed. Were there cavedentists? "I see you have not been flossing, Tor! Shame on you! Don't you know you need to do it at least three times a week? There's a new flavour of palm bristle out, you know..." I can't even imagine caveorthodontists.

So if cavepeople could not brush or floss their teeth, how did they keep them clean? I assume they kept them relatively clean--it's difficult to look someone in the face and not cringe when their mouth is missing its pearly whites, and tooth health is a good indicator of overall health. Probably by eating lots of fibrous material. By that time, apples were still small, tough, and bitter (what, you think apples are naturally moist and sweet?), but dentists say apples clean the teeth. Apples and vegetables are good for the teeth.

In further news, I have wisdom teeth. In further further news, I may or may not need to have them taken out. Continuing in further news, no needle has ever stuck my poor, tortured gums and no needle ever will! As if I'm going to let them stick a piece of metal the size of a finger into my mouth to root around and pull out my teeth when I won't even get a quarter for it. Like hell. Besides, if my mouth is numb, I won't know when a chest hair falls in.

Last night I watched Hotel Rwanda and sobbed my eyes out. Again.
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