Jul 15, 2005 14:03
Full name: Marissa Michelle Thiry
Personality Type: Sweet & caring
Nicknames:Riss, Rissa, Riss-a-nator, Mo, Resses.. etc
Birthday: October 29th
Age: 13
Astrological Sign: Sqiorpio (however the heck you spell it)
Favorite Food: Rasberry Pie <3 =)
Least Favorite Food: green beans! (ewww!!!)
Favorite Color: pink/aqua
Favorite Sport: swimming & roller blading
Favorite Animal: tiger
Eyes: big and brown
Height: 5'3
Hair: Brown
Siblings: i have alot.. (mostly step and half)
Blacked out before: almost, after i got hit by a car
Where you live: house
Sex: After marriage =)
Righty of lefty: righty
Boxers or briefs: boxers!
Long or short hair: Long skaterish or curly! =D <3
Tall or short: Taller than i am
Six pack or muscular arms: six pack =)
Good or bad guys: a little of both, mostly good
Hat or no hat: doesnt matter
Ears pierced: just one
Tan or fair: tan
Freckles: cute, but not alot
Stubble or shaved: shaved
Rugged or sportsy: sportsy
Accent: wayyy too cute! =D (i <3 southern accents)
Sunshine or rain: I love both
Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
Skiing or boarding: board
Day or night: night ohh la la;)
Summer or winter: summer! =)
Cake or pie: pie.. rasberry pie!
Love or lust: love.
Gold or silver: silver.
Diamond or pearl: diamond.
Ever been skinny dipping: yes, by myself!
Sleep with stuff animals: no, i sleep with a bean filled heart pillow =)
Ever broke/sprained/fractured anything: yeah! my arm (it's still broken now)
Piercings: my ears
Do you sing in the shower: lets not go there...
Experienced love at first sight: No i think it takes more time to really "love" someone
Favorite band: uhhh.. heck if i would know
Who do you dream about: anything to do with my day..
Who are your friends: alot of people!
Who is the loudest: Natalie lol!
Do you share secrets with people: yes all the time
Who do you tell your dreams to: Natalie or my other friends.. mostly nat
What's your favorite phrase: "love doesnt grow on trees"
What's the funniest thing you've said these past few days: uhh.. nvm 0=)
Favorite flower: roses
Where's your favorite place to go: mall, or ice skating with natty
Favorite possession: my digital camera
Dumbest thing you have ever done: got hit by a car.
What are you scared the most of: Spiders
Scariest movie: "Texas chainsaw masscare" (ahh!)
How many rings do you wait for when the phone rings: uhh i dont, i just pick it up
Do you thinks its cool for a girl to ask a guy out: no!
Do you have more guy friends or gal pals: equal, maybe more girls then guys
Parents names: Gary and Denise
Pets: 3dogs, 1cat, 1turtle
Tattoos: zip.
Been to Africa? noo
Been toilet papering? haha nope
Loved somebody so much it made you cry? yes =(
Been in a car accident? no, got hit by one though =( ouchy
Favorite Movie: The Notebook
Favorite Holiday: christmas
Favorite day of the week: Friday night! woo hoo
Favorite Toothpaste: colgate
Favorite Restaurant: Lone star<33
Favorite Drink: Cherry coke =)
Favorite sport to watch: basketball
Preferred type of ice cream: butter pecan
Favorite Sesame Street Character: elmo!
Disney or Warner Bros.: disney (love tinker bell!)
Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Arbys =) yum!
When was your last hospital visit? uhh, two weeks ago. and i was there over night. ughh
What color is your bedroom carpet? white (so boring)
How many times did you fail your drivers test? haven't taken it yet
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? no
Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards: Forever21!
What do you do most often when you are bored? call friends or computer
Name the person that you are friends with who lives the farthest: Carley =(
Most annoying thing people ask me: "what did you say?"
Bedtime: uhh. when i feel like it unless my mom is mad! =/
Favorite all time TV show: laguna beach and summerland
Last person you went out to dinner? my mommy =)
Last Movie you saw in the theater? wow.. cant remeber (im going to see "Dark water" today though)
Do you use a Mac or a PC? huh?
List everything you can hear around you right now - every last sound: me typing, air conditioner
Tell me something which made you smile today: Adam<3
Tell me 3 things you like about yourself: my hair, my eyes, my teeth
What can you smell around you if anything? pie lol
What colour underwear are you wearing? pink
Which year was your bestest birthday and why? Last year, because i got so much money then went shopping! =D
What does the sky look like out there? blue and cloudy
Whom do you love? My parents, my family, my friends, and of course Adam<3
What CD or tape or record is in your music box as we speak? uhh heck if i would know
What or when was your biggest sense of achievement? solo and enssemble! =)
If you could have any job at all in the world, what would it be? modeling
Who loves you? Adam and Natalie do =)
What book are you reading now? uhh none
What if anything do you have for a party trick? wtf?
Do you believe in love? yes =)
Do you believe that there is someone out there for everyone? Yes i do
Have you hugged someone today? noppers. but later i will =)
Is romance expensive? it shouldn't be
Is romance important in your life? uh huh
Must romance and love be returned to be worth the effort? yep
Are you or have you ever been in love? Im not sure yet.
Have you ever kissed in the rain? yes! =) twice..
Would you be willing to embarrass yourself just to see your significant other smile? yes!
Have you ever kept items from particular dates (ticket stubs, receipt from dinner, etc.)? i always keep ticket stubs, and other stuff that means things to me! =)
Have you ever received a kiss that made your whole body tingle, the thoughts run from your head, and made you feel as though you were flying? yes =)
Could you deliver a kiss as mentioned in the previous question? I think i have before.. and yes i think i can agian =)
Have you ever faked an injury to gain sympathy? haha, i faked sick to get out of school in 3rd grade
Have you ever faked an orgasm? um no. ewh!
Do you tell people you love them when you really don't? never
Do you believe in soulmates? I sure do
Do you believe that you have already found your soulmate? dunno yet. i think it might take longer
Would you ever have sex with a person before you fell in love with them? never! not unitl marrage
What is the longest relationship that you have ever been involved in? a month and a week.. i think
Do you believe that gay/lesbian marriage should be illegal? no! it is in the bible that it shouldnt be. and i am very religious (sorry people)
Should gay couples be able to adopt? no, I feel bad for the kids
Do you want to get married? yes! of course!!<33 =)
Do you believe that -open- relationships are OK? yes
Do you believe in forever? yes<3
Can love conquer all? yes
-Have you ever...-
Fallen for your best friend? for like a week.
Made out with JUST a friend? yeah. but lets not go there =(
Been rejected? kinda
Been in lust? yeah
Used someone? uhh.. yeah
Been used? yes
Cheated on someone? yeah, sorry =(
Been cheated on? yeah
Been kissed? oh yeah!
Done something you regret? yes
-Who was the last person...-
You touched? my mom, i gave her a hug
You talked to? my brother
You hugged? my mother.
You instant messaged? mike
You kissed? Adam
You had sex with? noo way, not unitl marrage
You yelled at? My brother
You laughed with? My mom
You had a crush on? Adam and still do
Who broke your heart? a couple of people i cant remeber who was last
-Do you...-
Color your hair? i did.. not no more
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope, maybe soon though =)
Floss daily? i did today
Own a webcam? no, i want one though
Ever get off the damn computer? haha! my mom yells at me for that
Sprechen sie deutsche? haha wtf
Habla espanol? um no
-Have you/do you/do you have...-
Considered a life of crime? no
Considered being a hooker? no wayyy
Considered being a pimp? noooo
Are you psycho? at times yes
Split personalities? nto that i know of
Schizophrenic? what?
Obsessive? a bit
Obsessive compulsive? no
Panic? sometimes
Anxiety? no
Depressed? once in a while
Suicidal? no way
Obsessed with hate? no, I'm like a hippy<3 (haha i copped nattys)
Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? lmao EWH no
Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? wow sick
If you could be anywhere, where would you be? With adam :)
What would you be doing? walking on the beach holding hands <33
What are you listening to? my mom talking lol
Can you do anything freakish with your body? uhh i can hold my nose shut w/o using my fingers
Chicken or fish? chicken
Current Mood: bored!
Current Music: "Charriot"
Current Taste: nothing
Current Hair: in a towel! lmao
Current Annoyance: nothing
Current thing I ought to be doing: hanging out with adam.
Current Desktop Picture: ice cream! lmao
Current DVD In Player: uhh something of my dads i think
Current Color Of Toenails: hot pink! =)
Current Refreshment: water
Current Worry: that i wont get to hang out with adam today =(
Current Crush: Adam! <33
... wow i was bored!