Aint it something

Apr 26, 2005 16:10

I went out last night, and yes it was on a weekday. I sat around all of my friends and i realized something. I have nothing to say to these people unless it has something to do with throw-up, poop, or any other (what used to be disgusting) topic. Time and time again i am amazed at how one being has changed my life. A baby will touch a man's heart but will grab onto his mothers. I very much so believe that. I find myself wishing for a break and when i finally get one, all i want to do is to be with my son. I have never been in love like this. It is something that no shoes would ever fill. Some days are harder than others but the moment i see him smile at me, i know that even the hard days are worth ever minute. Aint that something!
I am going to be 20 soon (going on 40) and this is the first year where, i dont even know what day it is. I dont know what i want and i dont even care. The once selfish, prudish girl now has no time to be any of those. I guess that is also because i am no longer a girl but a woman.
My days are getting shorter. I finally understand what people mean when they say, "there are not enough hours in the day." I spend 3 days a week working, 2 nights a week in school, (which by the way i am pulling amazing grades) and my days are dedicated to my son. I have no time for alot of the things i would like to do.
I also think that a mother is the most appreciated job there is. mother is there when you need her. Whether it be 2 pm or 2am. We have mother's day and that is it. I dont think Nick has really realized that it's nice to be recognized. That's alright though. I am absolutley Discusted by the fact or consept of kids yelling at there mothers. I suppose people dont know the reality untill you have a child of your own. It is such an incredibly hard job and our reward is having a child that will grow up and do something great with his life. I wish the world for my son. I want him to be the best kid in school, have lots of friends, never tell a lie, never touch dope, go to Harvard, be a great man, become the president, and die one of the most respected men to walk this universe. Wouldn't that be something?
I guess, in so so so many words i am just trying to say that i have a child that can make me stay awake at night with all the awful thoughts that may happen to him. I have a child that can break every nice thing that i own. I have a child that can make my nose bleed because he thinks its fun to ram his finger in my nose when i am sleeping. I have a son that ruins every article of clothing that i am even some what attached to. I have a son that can make my heart stop when he falls down. I have a son who cries when i walk away. I have a son who lights a room up with his smile when i walk into it. I have a son that runs to me and showers me with hugs and kisses for no particular reason. I have a son who means the world to me and there are no words to explain my love. AINT THAT SOMETHING!

That saying has been following me throughout my life!
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