Bruin Alumni Association

Jan 20, 2006 00:14

So there has been a lot of media attention on the Bruin Alumni Association group of individuals ( who are "exposing" supposed extreme left-wing radical faculty at UCLA. They are even paying individuals to record lectures and take notes of suspected and already accused professors. I looked at their website out of curiosity and looked at the top 30 list of "radical" professors. It came to my surprise when I saw two professors on the list who I had the honor, yes the HONOR, of learning from in past courses I have taken and I wanted to do them some justice to my few and select readers:

Professor Robert Watson: Perhaps, in my opinion, one of the most intelligent, riveting, enthusiastic professors and individuals I have ever encountered. He was one of my professors for my 1960s year long course my freshman year and I believe he inspired me and made me realize that college is about learning not just regurgitating. His lectures were always fascinating and he is simply genius and deserves all of the respect in the world.

Professor Carol Goldberg: She was the diamond in the rough, the silver lining in the cloud, the cute boy sitting in the third row among a hoard of grotesque unbathed males in my computer programming course... I took a course in American Indian Studies my second quarter at UCLA to fill a GE requirement and also to maybe broaden my horizons. Well, in all honesty, that was one of the most boring classes ever for the simple reason that my professor had the most monotonous voice and just didn't have life. But then came Professor Goldberg, a guest lecturer for two separate lectures. She inspired me to consider law as a profession. She took a topic that could be so dull, so...bland..and made it so fascinating to listen to. As she described the intricacies of Indian Law, property and land rights, and variations among different tribal cultures, there was not one person in the room who was not sitting up straight and actually listening...Her ability to tie together so many seeminly unrelated topics, concerns, and ideas into one coherent idea was amazing. A family friend who had her in a law school course also expressed similar appreciation. The knowledge she embraced eminated from her. Now she has transferred to Harvard Law School. Perhaps she will receive a little more respect there.

These little blurbs on these two amazing professors do not give them justice. The slander they are getting on this website is simply ridiculous. I am a person who doesn't usually agree that UCLA professors are the best...but these two professors have definetly defined my time at UCLA for the better and deserve all of the respect in the world. I guarantee that if you sit and talk to either for even a minute, your life will be changed. Don't buy into this silly website...these people just have too much time on their hands.

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