Nov 08, 2005 23:17
Wooooooo-Hoooooooo!...Tim Kaine Won!!!...It's a great day to be a DEMOCRAT!!!...That was for you Hannah!!*...And yes im a proud democrat!...Moving on..I woke up and played with isaiah for a while and then rocked him back to sleep....then i took a shower...and we went out to goody's and shoe show and all that good stuff!...then i went to work from 4pm-9pm...and then shaina and erica picked me up and we went to get something to eat...and we sat and ate it in the food lion parking lot...and then we came home and i played with isaiah for a while then took a shower..and that's it for today.!!....Later Haters!!*
..*Sabrina Leann22!!*..