Title: Abnormal Reasons
Author: BMB
Fandom: House MD
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Don't own.
Warnings: Slash.
Summery: 16. James Wilson/Robert Chase
Wilson threads a hand through Chase’s hair and kisses him gently. Chase moans and arches beneath him, and Wilson thinks shit.
This isn’t meant to be happening- Chase is a patient’s son, even though Rowan Chase is dead now, he’s still his son. And on top of that, he’s House’s intensivist. One of House’s ducklings. House would kill him if he found out. His ducklings were his to fuck or fuck with, and his alone. Not to mention the fact that Wilson is a married man, and oh shit, what if Julie came home?
The Chase kitten-licks up the side of his jaw and Wilson doesn’t care. There’s a blank look in Chase’s eyes that should be setting off alarm bells but only makes him feel mildly uneasy, and that’s only until Chase starts nibbling his way down his throat. Wilson pulls back long enough to get rid of his pants, and sees Chase, flushed and naked and thinks oh, who gives a shit?
There’s a kiss goodbye on the corner of his mouth and a whispered thanks, and Chase is gone to fast for Wilson to ask what for?
When he stumbles downstairs, Wilson finds an invitation to Rowan Chase’s funeral propped up on the kitchen table with no note. He realizes that there’s no love lost between the two of them- just a secret that House would never let them hear the end of if he found out.