Title: Two Doctors, A Nurse, A Detective, and a Scot
TheShoelessOne Pairing: Sherlock/John pre-slash
Length: 5,600
Rating: K+
Warnings: Nothing worse than your average episode of Doctor Who
Verse: BBC/Nu-Who
Author's summary: Stop me if you've heard this one...
Reccer's comments: I have to be honest, the title alone was what compelled me to read this, and while it doesn't follow the standard joke narrative, it's very enjoyable. It starts off with your typical, 'the TARDIS shows up at Baker Street' premise, and turns into something equal parts hilarious and heart-warming; much like an episode of Doctor Who. Yeah, it's a crossover for my first rec, but you'll enjoy it. Trust me.
Two Doctors, A Nurse, A Detective, and a Scot