Proposal to move and input?

Apr 08, 2017 10:26

Hi, all.

As you probably know, the recent changes in the LJ user agreement have prompted many users and communities to look for other homes--especially users and communities with free speech concerns, with LGBTQ and other identities, and those producing and consuming (and reviewing!) works we love. There is always the possibility of a journal being deleted by LJ authorities, but the risk seems higher now.

I'm proposing backing up the contents of this community and moving it to Dreamwidth. On Dreamwidth, the community would retain all posts and comments and tags from the LJ comm up to point of the backup.

The LJ comm would be closed to comments and posts originating on LJ. It's possible that cross-posts from Dreamwidth would be posted here. Anyone would still be able to read posts, however, and we can resume posting links on Tumblr.

This community depends vitally on participation by its members. Although it is possible for active LJ users to comment on Dreamwidth using OpenID, it's best that our reccers have DW accounts and join the new comm there. You would also need a Dreamwidth account to subscribe and be notified of updates.

Currently we have about 950 members and are watched by about 1400. We have an active pool of a few dozen reccers. I'd like to hear from you, the members, the readers, the reccers, about this proposal to move. Having reliable reccers on DW would greatly improve our success in a new home.

Thanks to you all --


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