In the LabAuthor: fogisbeautiful
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes & Mary Russell, with nod to future Holmes/Russell
Length: 940
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Verse: Mary Russell - Laurie R. King
Author's summary: Sherlock's thoughts when Mary Russell visits the cottage while they are "fighting".
Reccer's comments: I love alternate POV in general, but I'm particularly fond of getting a bit of Holmes' voice in this verse, given the ubiquity of Russell in most of the books. I consider her to be a highly unreliable narrator, both intentionally and unintentionally, which is one of the things I enjoy the most in the series. Every now and then King gives the reader evidence for that from other characters, but not often enough for my greedy soul. In this short scene, we get Holmes' side of the short unhappy meeting in Sussex and find that he's as distraught and lost in their all-too-successful plan of estrangement as Russell has been.
Mods: can we have a Mary Russell tag, please?