Title: TJLC Explained
Author/Vidder: Rebekah/quietlyprim
Pairing or Character: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Length: 43 episodes currently (see below)
Rating: Unrated
Verse: BBC
YouTube Channel "TJLC Explained" Reccer's Comments: This is a meta series in video format which delves into the theories and evidence surrounding "The Johnlock Conspiracy" or
TJLC. In a nutshell, the theory proposes that the creators of the BBC series planned from the beginning to depict Sherlock Holmes and John Watson in an onscreen romantic relationship. But even if you don't personally subscribe to that theory, this series is well worth a watch.
The host/author has drawn from many other metas and theories, including
M-Theory, the
Drink Code, the
Phone=Heart Metaphor, and much, much more. Each video installment details evidence for TJLC from a wide range of sources including the show itself, interviews and other public appearances of the actors and showrunners, historical sources, paracanonical sources such as John's blog, and other Sherlock Holmes adaptations. It's really encyclopedic. The installments range from about 10 minutes to over an hour and a half, with most probably being between 45-60 minutes. With 43 episodes currently posted and more sure to be coming with series 4, it adds up to hours upon hours of material, all of it fascinating and compelling.
The whole thing is just amazingly well researched and put together. Each episode is structured to lay out the theory and provide supporting evidence in a clear, thorough, and engaging manner. Rebekah is extremely personable and great fun to watch as she walks the viewer through the evidence. Her enthusiasm and good humor are contagious, and make for a great piece of entertainment, no matter what the actual outcome of the show may be.