The Silent GirlArtist/Author:
DevilryPairing: Watson/Lestrade
Length: 60 pages
Rating: R (mature subject matter, sex)
Warnings: Contains spoilers, highlight to view Implied non-con/incest/underage
Verse: Canon
Author's summary:
During Holmes' absence Watson and Lestrade travel to a village on a case.
Reccer's comments:
This is one of my favourite fanworks in Sherlock Holmes fandom, and it is a standout piece among all the fandoms I've participated in, as well as being one of the most sophisticated and successful graphic novels I've had the pleasure to get my hands on. This is a complete graphic novel pastiche that pairs Watson and Lestrade during the Great Hiatus to investigate the disappearance of a young girl from a prominent family. As well as providing us with an intriguing (and tragic) case to follow, the author also weaves in several other story elements, including Mycroft's correspondence with Sherlock, a plotline featuring Sebastian Moran, Watson's continuing grief over the loss of Holmes, and some very satisfying character and relationship development involving Lestrade.
The supporting characters are lively and believable as individuals, each with their own inner lives and motivations. While there aren't many significant female characters in canon to work with, the artist does an admirable job adding in the women in this story, and even creates an original character who I would love to know more about. Exterior and interior shots are meticulously detailed and create a living, atmospheric world for the characters to inhabit, with weather, architecture, period clothing, animal and plant life all given the time and attention needed to paint a portrait of the era and location in the reader's mind. Gentle touches of humour are incorporated into the artwork, and I particularly enjoyed a certain canine character who appears briefly.
I find myself thinking back over this story often, particularly when I'm considering how to improve my own writing skills, and the book stands up very well to re-readings. The artist has generously shared the whole tale online, and it can be enjoyed here:
The Silent Girl