Title: Flaversham (The Great Mouse Detective Remix)
Music Title & Artist: the background hip-hop beat is unattributed; otherwise the sounds are created using clips from the music and dialog of the film
Vidder: Jesse Dill
Pairing or Character: Basil of Baker Street, Rattigan, Dr. Dawson, the Flavershams
Verse: The Great Mouse Detective (Disney)
Link: I have not found this vidder on LJ, DW, or tumblr, so please note the available link is to YouTube:
Flaversham (The Great Mouse Detective Remix) vid Reccer's Comments: In the world of vids, a "remix" is a special form which takes up the challenge of hearing and creating music within what are traditionally thought of as non-musical sounds (combining snippets - even mismatched syllables - of spoken words or vocal exclamations, and environmental sounds, e.g. a ticking clock). The vidder usually lays in a strong, simple background beat and often also incorporates quick selections of the film's original soundtrack. It's a sort of multimedia hip-hop, and when done well it can be both hilariously fun and irresistibly rhythmic.
This vid is done very well, and it has a lovely array of sounds to work with, especially given the marvelously flexible vocal performances of the film's actors (I love you, Vincent Price & Barrie Ingham!) This is a great tribute to the colorful, charming, heartfelt Disney movie that managed to capture so much of what I love about Sherlock Holmes.
A note: if this is your first remix, I feel I should warn you that it can be a bit repetitive, as the same sequence of images/sounds stands in for repeated verses or choruses in the music. But I think you will find this a very inventive piece which never pauses in the same track for too long. Plus, it's only 2 minutes. I'm hoping that at the end of it, your day will be a little brighter! :)