at least you know you were taken by a proAuthor: beanarie
Pairing: Gen, Sherlock/Irene (past)
Length: 3553
Rating: Teen
Warnings: N/A
Verse: Elementary
Author's summary: "Moriarty said you was obsessed with puzzles," Moran had said, his eyes shining. "But he's the greatest puzzle you'll ever come across." And through the rage and growing tendrils of doubt, a distant part of Sherlock had laughed. No puzzle could be more challenging or complex than the one these people had taken from him.
Reccer's comments: In which beanarie is a deductive genius and writes several key aspects of the season one finale months before it aired. The result is now jossed but it's a fascinating alternate finale that sheds light on Sherlock as addict, Irene as both exactly and not at all what she seemed, and Watson as heroine. In the end, Sherlock is saved because of his history and connection with Watson. Their shared past makes understanding possible at a crucial moment, and her caring and anger about what happened carry him through the aftermath until he can pick up the investigative thread himself again. Excellent characterization across the board (including Alfredo and Teddy), with evocative detail in Sherlock's experience of altered mental states and in Watson's effort to help him back to recovery.
Note: the non-con content is for drug use