Title: WHOLOCK - Sherlock Meets The Doctor
Music and Artist: None, audio is from the TV shows
Vidder: John Smith
Pairing: Gen, Sherlock & The Doctor
Rating: Unrated, SFW
Verse: Sherlock BBC/Doctor Who
Link: I can't find an 'announcement' by the vidder anywhere but
here is their channel on YouTube and
here is a direct link to the videoAuthor's summary: "Months after an encounter with a mysterious 'Doctor', Sherlock becomes obsessed with discovering more about this impossible man... until the man makes an unexpected return." In anticipation of both the Doctor Who Christmas Special and the Third Series of Sherlock, I created a small crossover story. Though it may not be perfect, I'm still pretty happy with the results. Hope you enjoy!
Reccer's comments: I'm mostly recommending this for the wow effect. This is technically the most advanced fanvid work I've seen. The vidder has painstakingly, frame by frame - and most likely pixel by pixel - melded scenes from Sherlock and Doctor Who, even going so far as to re-do clothing, hair styles, and mouth movements. Watch the VFX Breakdown here to see how it was done: