Title: Paler than Grass Author: philalethia Pairing: Joan/OMC, Sherlock/Joan Length: 10175 words Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: n/a Verse: Elementary Author's summary: Joan tries to date, and Sherlock gets in the way.
Reccer's comments: I admit I haven’t read that many Elementary fics - it may be due to the fact that when it comes to this fandom I prefer stories in which Sherlock and Joan are friends rather than a romantic pairing - but the characterization is absolutely spot on in this one; in fact, the interactions between Joan and Sherlock don’t feel all that different from what we saw in the first series of the show. While Sherlock is a bit possessive and clingy at first he still tries not to overstep Joan’s boundaries when she tells him not to and it’s obvious how much he cares about her and their friendship, which I can’t help but find endearing.
A delightful read with hints of humor that might interest even readers who prefer gen.
“Wow,” Marty murmurs, coming to stand beside [Joan] and then quickly averting his eyes, “a little awkward.”
“Good evening, Watson, Martin,” Sherlock greets cheerily. “Don’t worry, I assure you this isn’t the slightest bit sexual. Your arrival is actually quite fortuitous. I’m testing how inconspicuously I can escape a pair of handcuffs when I am experiencing mild physical discomfort. You can tell me how obvious my escape attempts are-and perhaps take a few notes as well,” he adds to Joan, “for when you’re ready to move on to intermediate escape attempts.”
“You can get out of handcuffs?” Marty asks her.
“On the first try,” answers Sherlock, beaming with no small amount of pride. “She’s a natural.”