Abhorring the Dull Routine of Existence, or, a Week Spent on Artificial Stimulants, also here at
ardenteurophilePairing: Sherlock/John
Length:approx. 7,600 words
Warnings: none
Verse: Sherlock BBC
Author's summary: Sherlock tries out more legal varieties of stimulant. Cracky spin-off fic set before the events of You Can Imagine the Christmas Dinners. Technically (given the events of the latter), this is pre-slash Sherlock/John, but it can easily be read as gen.
Reccer's comments: One unlucky Monday when Sherlock is bored out of his mind John advises him to drink some Red Bull, like a normal person would. The next day John is already thoroughly regretting his advice for Sherlock is never one to undertake anything by half.
Soon half the Yard is busy keeping Sherlock in check and in the end the British Government itself has to step down for some decisive damage control. Sherlock’s comment once he’s come back to his senses is - predictably - that he’s bored again.
The author’s characterisations are wonderful. The text’s that are sent all over London during John’s frantic search for his flatmate made me snort with laughter. Indeed, both the situations and the sentences brim with that true wit the British excel in and that was the hallmark of S1 and S2.
Pure crack from the first sentence to the last, done in the cleverest way imaginable.