Title: the virgin & the psychopath
Music Title & Artist: Oh Death by Jen Titus
bloodism /
Deductism on YouTube
Pairing or Character: Sherlock/Moriarty
Verse: Sherlock BBC
Warning: Character death
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKFw5u5TfNoVidder's Summary: → "nothing satisfies me but your soul..."
c o m m e n t s」
Just something I did quickly. I heard this song and thought it was absolutely perfect for these two, but I just couldn't put my whole heart into this video. I wanted simplicity and for it to be haunting, so I hope I achieved that. ^___^;
Reccer's Comments: Deductism's videos always give me a visceral, emotional reaction. This is a fabulously talented vidder at their best. A beautiful little study of Moriarty's obsession with Sherlock. The music is haunting, and the technique of slowing down or speeding up the clips to focus on little gestures and looks gives me shivers in all the right places.