Free August, Open Recs Post

Aug 01, 2013 11:11

Greetings, all.

Because we've had too few reccers for August, we won't have individual recs this month. Instead, we'll put up weekly Open Recs posts, for you to post recs in comments -- beginning today!

Please make your recs in comments to this post. As always, we welcome recs for any version of Sherlock Holmes, for fic, podfic, vids, and art. WIPs are allowed in Open Recs, as are requests for specific or general types of works.

We're also open for September signups now -- sign up here. As usual, we're looking for a variety of reccers to make between three and twelve recs a month. Reccers should wait three months before taking a turn reccing again, and be members of the comm (so we can give you posting access).

!mod-post, open recs

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