Title: If they loved John and Sherlock like we love John and Sherlock - two parodies.
Author: P.G. Wodehouse and Dorothy Parker (of course!) - as dictated to
warriorbot Rating: PG - fittingly enough
Wordcount: ~1,000
Verse: ACD or Sherlock AU crossover
Summary: Slash in the style of my favourite writer and my favourite poet
Warnings: If you don't know and love the works of P.G. Wodehouse or Dorothy Parker you may well hate these. If you do know and love the works of P.G. Wodehouse or Dorothy Parker you will definitely hate these...
Pairing: John/Sherlock, Sherlock/Lestrade
Fic is here:
http://warriorbot.livejournal.com/10584.html Reccer's comments: After all the angst I've been reccing, some light relief! I should come clean and confess that this was first fic that I beta'd - but what a fic! Beautiful, beautiful Wodehouse parodie and a Dorothy Parker epigram that I warn you sticks in the mind like the worst earworm!
Short, sweet and gorgeous, these are real gems!