Sep 08, 2012 10:38
You're welcome to leave recs in comments to this post. Any version of Sherlock Holmes is welcome, and any fan work as fic, art, vids, or podfic. Please feel free to recommend WIPs as well. We'd rather have individual recs than links to external rec lists, however. If you have any questions, please comment or PM one of the mods.
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Author: thedeadparrot
Pairing: Gen; Sherlock Holmes & Joan Watson
Length: 1,953
Rating: G
Warnings: No particular spoilers, and certainly none for plot points (such as they are), but depending on how you feel about these things, maybe proceed cautiously if you haven't seen the pilot? IDK, some people like to go in knowing absolutely nothing.
Verse: Elementary
Author's summary: This is how they understand each other, through the places they love and the things they have lost.
Reccer's comments: ashlhjjdfk, there is already Elementary fic!! And so far, this is the best I have read. By this point, Holmes and Watson are so iconic that I feel like there is a temptation to make them into BFFs from their first meeting. On the other hand, I really like to watch them figuring out how to like each other, knowing they'll get there in the end. This piece is short, Joan-centric, and navigates the two of them sort of feeling each other out and getting comfortable with each other. There's surprisingly a lot going on here for a show that hasn't properly aired yet. thedeadparrot has taken what we've seen so far and spun it together with some classic Holmes tidbits ("James liked numbers," he says, finally. "I thought we were alike, but we weren't.") into something really lovely.
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