Fic rec: One of Maple, One of Palm

Jun 15, 2012 01:08

Title: One of Maple, One of Palm
Author: currently anonymous
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Length: 7,500 words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Verse: Sherlock BBC
Author's summary: Over the course of twenty years, Sherlock attempts to solve the greatest puzzle of them all.
Reccer's comments: A number of stories feature Mummy and her relationship with the Holmes brothers, but this is the first I've seen that delves into Sherlock's relationship with his father, Siger Holmes.

'One of Maple, One of Palm' is evocative and gently emotional, giving us glimpses of Sherlock through-out his life as he struggles to open the elaborate and beautiful puzzle-box his father built for him when he was thirteen. The author does an excellent job of helping the reader comprehend and feel each reveal as Sherlock does.

Read ( One of Maple, One of Palm ) .

content: childhood, holiday: birthday, character: sherlock holmes, verse: sherlock bbc, pairing: jw/sh

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