Title: Lepidoptera
saki101Characters/Pairings: John Watson/Sherlock Holmes, Mrs Hudson, Mycroft Holmes, Mike Stamford, Mummy Holmes, Father Holmes, Puck
Rating: NC-17
Genre: slash
Word Count: ~17.5K
Disclaimer: Sherlock is not mine and no money is being made.
Summary: Mike introduces John to Mrs Hudson, but Sherlock finds John nevertheless.
A/N: A stand-alone AU of the Sherlock universe crossed with A Midsummer Night's Dream written for the
Spook-Me Multi-Fandom Halloween Ficathon 2015 in response to the prompt: dark faeries.
On LJ (in two parts due to length, link to part two at the end of part one)
On AO3 Excerpt: “Nothing ever happens to me,” John said, meeting his therapist’s detached gaze. He could look someone straight in the eye and not give away a thing. The skill had been as valuable in his career as when he played poker. Ella glanced down to scratch at her notebook. She had perfected the same technique.
John looked beyond her. Outside the firmly closed windows, bare tree branches scratched at the pale grey page of the sky.
"Anymore," he added silently.