Fic: Wrapped Around Your Finger 4/4 (Completed!)

Sep 06, 2014 10:55

Title: Wrapped Around Your Finger
Author: mojoflower
Status: 4/4
Characters and Pairings: Sherlock/John
Rating: Explicit
Warnings:  Sex!  If you need a warning for that.  Little bit manipulative and dub!con, not quite underage, but a vast age/experience difference
Length: 27k
Summary: Virgin!Sherlock, 18 and just out of school, is in Morocco in the early 1900's to learn about the ways of the world.  Dr. John Watson, lately invalided from the British Army at age 36, picks him up in the local bazaar.  Lessons (you know what kind!) are taught and absorbed.  Inspired by the song Wrapped Around Your Finger by The Police.  I'd say PWP except there's a soupcon of plot, given that it's a story worked around the lyrics of the song.

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**I apologize if I'm spamming your f'list with all the cross-posting!
*** The setting of this story is based on my having misheard a line of this song for my ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE, until I just now looked up the lyrics. The line I heard was "Hid in the casbah, you with passion linger". The actual line is, "Hypnotized by you if I should linger." I actually like my version better.  I tried for like 5 minutes to find the lyrics that mentioned the Casbah before I had to give in and realize it was my own personal "wrapped up like a douche" moment.
***John is a bit morally gray in this story. He takes distinct advantage of someone much younger than he (Sherlock is 18, and John is in his mid 30s), and the consent is a bit blurry. I'm just saying. But, hey, it's PWP, more or less. In spite of my best efforts, a happy ending will be had by all.

first time, slash, johnlock, au, characters: john watson, fanfiction, rating: nc17, romance, alternate universe, psychological, fanfic, character: john watson, dubcon, fist kiss, sherlock bbc, character: sherlock holmes, alternative universe, character: sherlock, sherlock/john

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