Fic: : “The Valley Inn” Prologue and Chapter 9/12
Author: _nextboldmove_
Rating: Overall NC-17 (future kinky sex and drug use), this chapter PG13
Spoilers: All 3 seasons and Arthur Conan Doyle Canon
Tags: fic, rating: nc-17 category: slash, category: het, John/Mary, Sherlock/OC, Sherlock/John
Pairing: John/Mary, Sherlock/OC, Sherlock/John
Characters: Sherlock, Mycroft, Moriarty, John, Mary, Eva Blackwell (ACD Canon)
Warnings, kinks and contents: drug use, domestic violence, emotional abuse, torture, rape, kidnapping, drowning, nightmares, sex, violence against a child, unhealthy sexual practices. Much of this happened in the previous story and is talked about here, except drug use and sex. This story is MUCH milder than the last one.
Summary: Apologies are made, welcomings are offered, and goodbyes are imminent.
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