Fic: How to Court Your Blogger (Complete)

May 08, 2014 11:11

Title: How to Court Your Blogger
Writer: PipMer
Status of work: Complete
Characters and/or pairings: Sherlock/John
Rating: Teen
Warnings, kinks & contents: Fluff, romance, humor, first kiss, friends to lovers, gift fic
Length: 2800 words
Author's note: This is a birthday gift for prettybirdy979. Many thanks to maladroitoracle for the beta and overthemoon for the title.

Summary: Sherlock Holmes sets out to court his flatmate. Things might progress more rapidly if he would inform said flatmate of his intentions.

Read on AO3 here

fic, bbc sherlock, slash, category: friendship, rating: pg, johnlock, character: john watson, category: romance, fist kiss, character: sherlock holmes, pairing: sherlock/john, category: first time, romance, humor

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