BBC Sherlock Fic: First Date 1/1

Apr 04, 2014 18:26

Title: First Date

Author: horrorfangirl


Summary: John convinces Sherlock to take Molly out on a date. Set after season 2 ep. 1

Disclaimer: The characters belong to the show's creators and the BBC. I'm just borrowing.

Rated: PG

"Tell me John, why am I doing this?" Sherlock asked his friend and flatmate. John sighed. "Because Sherlock, you owe Molly a serious apology after the way you behaved at the Christmas party during that Adler affair."

Sherlock groaned. "John, do you honestly believe mentioning that Woman would help my chances of getting a date with Molly Hooper? Because if you do then you're a bigger fool than I realized."

"Don't worry, Sherlock I'm not being foolish." John told him.

"Happy to hear it,'' Holmes said, then glanced at his friend who grinned. Sherlock sighed.

"God! There's no way I can get out of this is there?"

John smirked. "Sherlock there is nothing to be afraid of. Now go on and give Molly a ring before it's too late." Holmes grumbled into his tea cup, then he got up and went to his room to ring Molly.

An hour later Sherlock emerged from his room a self-satisfied smile plastered on his face. "I take it that Molly agreed to go out with you, then?" John asked.

"Oh yes," said Sherlock. "She was over the moon when I said I'd take her out to Simpson's."

"Well that's good," John told Holmes. Sherlock noticed that something was off with the good doctor however.

"You're worried," Holmes said. John sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Okay, I'll bite. What am I worried about?"

"You're worried that I might hurt Molly in some way, " Sherlock stated. John rolled his eyes.

"Well considering what happened during Christmas, I am a tiny bit concerned. Yeah."

"It's not because you have a crush on Ms. Hooper now is it?" Holmes asked.

John sighed. "Sherlock I'm seeing someone. Remember?"

"So that's a 'no' then?" John glared at Sherlock who smiled.


Just then Mrs. Hudson entered the living room. "Sorry to interrupt boys, but Sherlock Molly is here."

"Thank you, Mrs. Hudson," said Sherlock. The lady smiled and left the room. A moment later Molly came into the room.

"Sorry Sherlock, I know I'm early but I thought we could talk first? Oh! Hello Dr.Watson."

John gave Molly a wave. "Hello."

"That's fine," said Sherlock. "We could sit out in the garden if you like."

Molly nodded. "Yes, that's fine." She told Sherlock. He stood up and took Molly's arm.

"Don't you need your coat?" She asked her date.

"I left it by the back door," Sherlock replied.

"Oh all right." Just as they approached the kitchen Mrs. Hudson appeared.

"Here's your coat, Sherlock." She told him. Sherlock smiled. "Thank you, Mrs. Hudson."

"Have a good time, you two." She told them.

Molly smiled. "We will, thank you."

Sherlock put on his coat. "Please don't wait up for us Mrs. Hudson. Molly and I will be fine."

"I'm sure you will," Mrs. Hudson said with a smile. With that Sherlock and Molly left the kitchen and went to the garden.

As soon as the door was closed Mrs. Hudson turned to John and said:

"Well Dr. Watson, I think that went well, don't you?"

"Only time will tell, Mrs. Hudson. Only time will tell."


mrs. hudson, bbc sherlock, characters: john watson, molly hooper, sherlock holmes, fanfic

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