I read up and hope this is allowed/doing it right. If not, help?
Fic: : “The Familiar Stranger”
Author: _nextboldmove_
Status: WIP 7 of 12 chapters posted
Rating: Overall NC-17, ranges from PG to NC17
Spoilers: All 3 seasons and Arthur Conan Doyle Canon--this takes place post HLV and contains plot elements and character names and plots from the original stories so if you haven't read them...I'm not responsible.
Pairing: John/Mary, Sherlock/OC, Sherlock/John (eventual)
Characters: Sherlock, Mycroft, Moriarty, John, Mary, Eva Blackwell (ACD Canon)
Warnings, kinks and contents:
drug use, domestic violence, emotional abuse, torture, rape, kidnapping, drowning, nightmares, sex, violence against a child, unhealthy sexual practices. Much of this is discussed as happening in the past. I would also consider MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, even though it's not Sherlock or John.
Summary: Three months after Moriarty makes his comeback, a stranger shows up at 221B asking for help. The case changes Sherlock and John's lives forever.
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