The Detectives And The Hound (Part 1)

Oct 08, 2013 20:59

Title: The Detectives And The Hound (Part 1)
Author: Ragna (scandalbaby)
Rating: PG
Fandoms: Sherlock/Doctor Who
Pairings/Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Amy Pond, John Watson/Lorna Bucket; Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Henry Knight, Amy Pond in this part
Summary: Sherlock and John get given a case from Henry Knight, who believes his father was killed years prior by a hound in the moors. But what starts as a much needed break from the tedium that Sherlock is experiencing turns into a case that has him questioning many things and feeling something he has not felt in a long time: the type of fear that leaves you with a chill in your bones.
Warnings: None for this part
Authors Notes: Part 36 of my "All Of Time And Space" series. So finally, after being asked countless times, I am rewriting "The Hounds of Baskerville" from Sherlock. I finally got a hold of season two and watched it and fell in love with the episode. Seeing as how I do not own the DVDs I was watching them on, I am gratefully relying on Ariane DeVere's transcript (found here). This was supposed to be my entry for journeystory on LJ but I get the feeling I will not finish it by the deadline so I figured I should post it and not make you guys wait since many of you have waited long enough.

fic, rating: pg, au, crossover, fan fic, alternate universe, casefic, fanfic, character: john watson, sherlock/amelia pond (doctor who), character: john, character: sherlock holmes, gen, john/lorna bucket (doctor who), character: sherlock, drama

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