Title: The Salvation Holme
Author: Sarah
xherevilroyalty [HerEvilRoyalty @ AO3]
Status of Work: WIP
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mrs Hudson, Mycroft Holmes
Warning: Very slight implication of suicidal thoughts, very minor though.
Word Count: 1. 435 [currently]
Category: FanFic
Summary: After 'The Fall' Doctor John H. Watson finds that his home, just isn't a home...without his Holmes. Maybe Mycroft can help with that...in a round about sort of way...
Author Note: Something that's been in my head for a little while. Finally decided to just type it up, see what comes of it. I know where I'm going with this, I just have no idea if it's going to be decent, is all. Let's see how it goes, eh?
here @ AO3