Title: Reliquary
saki101Characters/Pairings: John/Sherlock & John/Sherlock/Maria(Mary)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~10.5K total, posted in two parts as it is a little too long for one.
Disclaimer: Sherlock is not mine and no money is being made.
A/N: Post-TRF, post-reunion.
This is a continuation of the situation in
Icarus Clipped and needs to be read in conjunction with that story. IC and Reliquary together form a unit which could stand alone.
Excerpt: Consciousness formed a rectangle in the middle of his back, hot and hard. His limbs were not interested in moving; they clung to sleep, but the heat was uncomfortable. John bent an arm to lift himself up to look for the cause. A hand landed between his shoulder blades; his face landed back in his pillow. There was a faint whirr, several clicks. His consciousness expanded.
Reliquary on LJOn AO3