Title: A Matter of Trust
Author: PipMer
Characters/Pairings: Sherlock/John pre-slash, Mycroft Holmes, Harry Waton, Original Character
Status: Complete
Rating: Teen
Genre: Friendship, pre-slash, angst, trust issues, families by choice, holmestice gift fic
Warnings: Drug Use, Minor Character Death
Word Count:: 8255
Summary:: It is a well-known fact that Dr John Hamish Watson has trust issues. What most people fail to realise is that there are two sides to every coin, and that every phrase has a double meaning. And Sherlock Holmes? Well. Let’s just say he has trust issues of his own.
A/N: This was written for
yeomanrand and
shinychimera for the 2012 holmestice gift exchange. Many thanks go out to my britpickers
debriswoman and
thesmallhobbit. To
prettybirdy979 goes my undying gratitude for not only being my longsuffering beta, but cheerleader and fellow brainstormer as well.
On my LJ On AO3