Sherlock Fic: Outed

Nov 11, 2012 01:39

Title: Outed
Author: PipMer
Characters: Mycroft, Lestrade
Rating: G
Word Count: 221
Warnings: Drunk!Mycroft
Genre: Humour, fluff, 221b ficlet, drabble sequence, Drunk!Mycroft

Summary: Even when drunk, Mycroft is still himself. Written in response to a request for more drunk!Mycroft.

A/N:   prettybirdy979 requested more Drunk!Mycroft. I was more than happy to oblige. This immediately follows Proposal by Proxy, in which Mycroft gets drunk at Sherlock and John's New Year's Eve party.

On LJ On AO3

fic, 221b drabble, category: friendship, bbc, rating: g, gen, character: di lestrade, character: mycroft, humor

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